Ahmadinejad's mission was to restore the cleric’s credibility
Reza Hossein Borr
Ahmadinejad was elected to restore the credibility of the disgraced Iranian clerics and he has succeeded in doing so. The recent elections proved that.
An old Baluch master told his students that strategy is about saying something, doing something else, meaning something else to confuse and disorientate your opponent. This master advised his students that never allow your opponent to understand your true intentions. To completely conceal your true intentions you need to create at least four layers of disguise at beliefs level, interests level, needs level and news level. He added that you will be only defeated when your opponent clearly understands what you think, what you do, what you say, and what you intend. For the right decision always comes from the clarity of understanding of an issue, therefore, never allow clarity of understanding of your intentions to reach the opponents. This strategy has worked for ages and it is working now for the Iranian regime.
The Iranian regime concealed its main mission under the tree layers of internal beliefs, regional needs and international interests.
The concealed intention of bringing Ahmadinejad to power was to restore the lost credibility of the disgraced clerics. The Iranian clerics lost their complete popularity after 26 years of mismanaging the country and misleading the people. They impoverished the country, sponsored terrorism and brought disappointment. The Iranian clerics were completely hated by the Iranian people by the time Ahmadinejad became the president. They were internationally recognised as terrorists and criminals who had supported terrorist activities. The conviction of the supreme leader and Rafsanjani in Mikonos case (the assignation of KURDISH Leaders in Germany), Argentinean case (Bomb blast in the Jewish Centre) and the recent judgments of an American court regarding Khobar Towers of Saudi Arabia clearly prove their criminal background. These cases explicitly blamed the Iranian leaders who were clerics at the times of these terrorist activities.
The clerics who faced internal and international isolation had to do something to restore their credibility. Helping Ahmadinejad to win the fraudulent election was to bring somebody on the scene of Iran who was known in Iran as a butcher and ideologically an extremist. He had strong views that he expressed with a rude language. He had the stupidity to say the kind of things that no politician had said in the history of Iran before. He was encouraged to say what he said in order to scare the Iranians inside and the international community outside. Nobody expected a person of Ahmadinejad's nature to become the president of Iran if it was not for saving the old rulers.
The Western culture divides people in bad guys and good guys. The Iranian Ayatollahs were bad guys before Ahmadinejad. Somebody should have appeared in Iran to make the Ayatollahs appear good guys. That was Ahmadinejad.
Ahmadinejad never knew why he was chosen as the president. When he was elected he expressed his views. That made him appear the bad guy while in fact he is better than many Ayatollahs. He was made so bad that the previous clerics who were convicted criminals looked good.
In the recent elections Ahmadinejad's supporters did not win. They were not meant to win. They were meant to scare. The people were so much scared of them that they voted for the less scary ones. How elections were conducted, how the votes were cast and counted indicated a lot of fraud and negotiations behind the scenes to decide who must win and who must lose. Obviously the supreme leader and few other clerics who had devised the strategy of restoring their capabilities through demonising Ahmadinejad wanted to test the pulse of Iranian people and international community. The results of elections were not of any significant importance. The local councils in Iran are powerless institutions which have no any authority to make major decisions. The Council of the Experts which is responsible for appointing a leader and supervising his work does not have anything to do with managing and leading the country. These elections therefore did not have any significance. But they did serve a purpose. They demonstrated that the strategy of restoring the credibility of the disgraced clerics had been effective.
These elections showed that Ahmadinejad has been so bad that international community expressed happiness about the elections of the previous clerics like Rafsanjani. The Iranian people also showed some satisfaction. Ahmadinejad has been used quite effectively to restore some credibility to some clerics. He had to do the kind of things that made the Iranian people and international community aspire for the old days of Khatami and Rafsanjani although ALL serial killings in Iran and all terrorist activities of the Iranian regime have happened under these two clerics. In fact since Ahmadinejad has come to power, less terrorist activities have happened. Ahmadinejad who is very remote from wisdom and knowledge said the kind of things that scared everybody but in fact he did not do anything worse than the clerics had done before. In fact no major terrorist activity has happened during Ahmadinejad's presidency but his talks were so rude and rough that made Rafsanjani and Khatami look like good guys.
If it was not for Ahmadinejad, Khatami and Rafsanjani would never look good.
As the recent elections generated some satisfaction internally and internationally, Ahmadinejad will be persuaded even more to escalate war of words against the world until he demonises himself so much that everybody would be happy for Rafsanjani or Khatami or somebody like them to be elected in the next presidential elections. His rude talks will expand until he makes the old disgraced clerics quite electable in the coming elections of Parliament and presidency. The Iranian people as well as the international community will be pleased to see Ahmadinejad disappear and the old guard return with a new spirit and revitalised character.
The regime would be safe. The clerics will be safe. Amadinejad will get another big job. The Iranian people will continue to suffer. The international community will be happy for few months to be fooled again to hear nice talks while the regime will continue the policy of harbouring terrorism and exporting revolution in the Middle East.
It seems that international community has no in-depth understanding of the Iranian regime. Yet just another master piece of propaganda. The mind of Iranian clerics is more complicated than the capability of ordinary political figures to comprehend.
One of the Iranian leaders has recently said the West never understood the Iranian people or the Iranian regime. He was right. When I hear the Western experts talk about Iran I conclude that they would never understand the complexity of strategies the Iranian regime has used to confuse them for over 28 years. Even the most well-known thinkers of the West have very superficial understanding of the Iranian situation. When the Iranian regime applies strategies that the West does not understand, formulating credible policies for encountering Iran would be very difficult. For 28 years the West thought they did understand the Iranian mind and therefore, took different measures to either change the Iranian regime or contain it. They failed in both. None of their policies worked. The Iranian regime moved from strength to strength and used all the resources of the Western world to make itself No 1 power in the Middle East.
The West not only failed to limit the power of the Iranian government but whatever they did was used by the Iranian government to make itself stronger and more powerful in the Middle East. From not having any influence in any part of the Middle East, the Iranian regime has become the most powerful government in the region. Whatever the West did was somehow in the favour of Iranian regime. Whether the Western countries formulated and implemented these policies deliberately to turn Iran into the major Middle East power or they were confused so much that their policies unwittingly helped the Iranian regime to become the most important power in the region.
The regime said something, did something else and meant something different. It created the right conditions for the governments of the region and the international community to believe its lies as truth. It will be a long time before confusion ends and clarity of thoughts emerges.
Reza Hossein Borr is a leadership consultant and the creator of 150 CDs.
He is also the author of Manual Success, Manual of Coaching and Mentoring, Motivational Stories that Can Change Your Life, and a New Vision for the Islamic World. He can be contacted by email: balochfront@aol.com
©Copyright, 2006, Reza Hossein Borr, London, UK
Tuesday, 26 December 2006
Sunday, 24 December 2006
Shia equality or Shia supremacy?
Reza Hossein Borr http://coachingandmentoringonline.com
Shia equality or Shia supremacy?
Every human being as a citizen of a country has an equal right of participation in political process. The person may be a Shia, a Sunni, a Christian, a Jew or the follower of any other religion. As the Declaration of Human Rights has stated all human beings are equal and must be treated equally and must have equal opportunities in their countries. If we accept this article of the Declaration of Human Rights we must also accept that the Shias must have equal rights with the Sunnis wherever they live and the Sunnis must have equal rights with the Shias wherever they live. If we consider equality of rights as the most important value that governs the relationships between different people we campaign for something which is just, acceptable and supportable.
If we campaign for the supremacy of one religion, we act in contrast of the value of equal rights and therefore, our campaign is not just, is not acceptable and must not be supported. It is true that many Shias in the Islamic world have no equal rights in many areas of life but it is also true that the Sunnis of Iran have less rights than any Shia in any Islamic country. Iran has taken the role of championing the rights of the Shia people. It is fighting relentlessly in all countries to secure their rights but Iran which is dominated by the Shias, have deliberately denied the most basic rights of the Sunnis in the last 28 years.
Discriminations against the Sunnis
Discrimination against the Sunnis covers every part of life from education, to politics, business, religion and business. These are some examples:
1. Educational discrimination against the Sunnis of Iran
There are 44,000 students in Iranian Baluchistan universities. Even 4, 000 of them are not Sunni Baluch. The Iranian government deliberately does not allow the Sunni Baluch of Iran to enter universities freely. This is while, according to one United Nations research, the Baluch children are the most talented children in Iran. This policy is pursued in all other Sunni dominated areas. Only in one county of Baluchistan, there are 500 schools which are built with cardboards and tents.
2. Political discrimination against the Sunnis of Iran
Since the beginning of the revolution, the Shia regime of Iran has not allowed even one Sunni to become prime minister, president, minister, an army general, and an ambassador. There is not even one single Sunni in Iranian Foreign Ministry. There is not even one Sunni chief executive in the whole country. All the officials in the Sunnis provinces and cities are the Shias who have been appointed by the Shia government.
3. Religious discrimination against the Sunnis of Iran
The Iranian media and leaders cite every day dozens of insulting remarks about the principles of Sunni religion. They have published hundreds of books which discredit the most important values of Islam. Even the Iranian government has built recently a huge temple to promote Abu Lo Lo, the killer of Omar, the second Caliph, as a great Islamic figure. The regime celebrates every year the murder of Omar by staging some ceremonies in which his effigy is burnt in public.
There are about one million Sunnis in Tehran, the capital of Iran, but the Iranian authorities do not allow them to build even one mosque. They are not allowed to perform their prayers in other Shia mosques. When they try to perform Friday prayers in parks, the security forces attacked them.
4. Economic discrimination against the Sunnis of Iran
99% of the Iranian businesses are under the control of the Shia population of Iran while 30% of Iranian population is Sunni. The government creates every barrier for the Sunnis to stop them from starting or developing their businesses. The major import and export licences are allocated to the Shia business. Even in the main cities of Sunnis, all the facilities of business are given to the Shias to deliberately impoverish the Sunni population of Iran. 70% to 80% of Sunnis are unemployed.
Shia inclusions in political and economics sources in Sunni dominated countries
While Iran is applying all kinds of discriminations against the Sunnis, the Sunni governments are quite generous towards their Shia population. It is a paradox that a regime that is fighting for the rights of the Shias in different countries discriminates more than any other country against the Sunnis in Iran. The Sunni governments are usually inclined to include the Shias in political and economic powers. These are some examples:
1. Pakistan
Everybody knows Bhtto family in Pakistan. They are a Shia family but they have governed Pakistan three times. There have been other Shia presidents and prime ministers in Pakistan. The Shias in Pakistan enjoy complete equality in a Sunni dominated country. There have been many Shia ministers in all governments of Pakistan from the beginning of Pakistan up to now. There are Shia army generals, there are Shia ambassadors and diplomats and there are big Shia businessmen. They have their own mosques. There are Shias in different levels of civil service too.
2. Afghanistan
There are several Shia ministers in Afghan government. There have been always Shia ministers in various Afghan regimes. There are Shia governors in Afghanistan. There are Shia army generals in Afghanistan. There are very rich Shia businessmen in Afghanistan too.
3. Kuwait
There are two Shia ministers in Kuwait. There are many Shia generals in Kuwait army. There are many Shia diplomats in the Foreign Ministry. There are many Shia businessmen in Kuwait. They have their mosques and they are free to perform their prayers.
4. The state of Qatar
There are dozens of Shia ministers, army generals, ambassadors, businessmen and high officials in Qatar and other Arab countries.
While we see that there are so many Shia high officials in Islamic and Arab world, why there is not even one single high official from the Sunnis in Iran? Why there is so much discrimination against the Sunnis in a regime that claims to embody Islamic justice, Islamic equality and brotherhood? And why there is so much silence about the exclusions of Sunnis from all sources of power in Iran? If the Shia government of Iran is fighting for the rights of Shias everywhere, why the Sunni governments of the world are not fighting for the rights of Sunnis in Iran?
Practically the Shias have had secured their supremacy in Iran at the cost of 30% of its Sunni population. Now they are seeking supremacy in other countries. For them the idea of equal rights is not a value of considerable importance when it comes to getting their own supremacy but when they do not have equal rights in other countries, they make a great issue of it.
What is disturbing everybody is not the quest of the Shias for their equal rights but their desire for supremacy. That has generated considerable resistance everywhere. Iran as the main Shia country must accept the value of equal rights for all its citizens inside Iran and then make its case for the equality of rights of the Shias in other countries. Nobody believes in Iranian campaign for the equal rights of the Shias in the Islamic countries if the Iranian regime does not believe in the equal rights of Sunnis in Iran. The Iranian regime must make itself first a believable example and must establish a model system which is a model of equality.
Iran has challenged other Islamic countries that they were not following the Islamic principles of brotherhood, equality and justice. If the government believes in these principles it must implement them fully and completely in Iran first. Once Iran is the embodiment of equality and justice, many other people and governments would follow it voluntarily. The Iranian regime can bring more credibility to its own system and to its own religion if it carries out what it preaches.
Nobody is ready to accept the supremacy of the Shias. It is a delusion that may initially grab some points but finally as the quest for supremacy is conducted recklessly, as it is done by the present regime of Iran, it will backfire and would result in the suppression of Shias in different countries.
30% of Iranian population is Sunni. Eight of its provinces are dominated by the Sunnis. Yet there has not been even single minister, army general, ambassador or a top official in the last 28 years in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The situation is clear. There is no the idea of equal rights in the minds of the Shia population of Iran and specifically the rulers of Iran. The other amazing thing is the complete silence of the ordinary Shia people over the suppression of the Sunnis. Even more amazing is the complete silence of the Iranian politicians, intellectuals, journalists and political activists over the total exclusion of Sunnis from all sources of power. The systematic discrimination that has been carried out against the Sunnis of Iran has not been criticised by any Iranian Shia politician. It seems that there is a total consensus among all Shia groups of Iran about the exclusion of Sunnis from all sources and centres of political and economic powers while all of them collectively protest strongly against the discrimination carried out against the Shias in Sunni dominated countries.
The Shia groups of different political tendencies have differences but these differences are all about who has the power and who must have it. All governments of Iran have taken over the power with great promises of equality of rights and equality of opportunity but as soon as they got established, they adapted the same old policies of oppression and suppression of different classes and groups and specifically the Sunnis.
Discrimination by Iranian media and journalists against the Sunnis
The Iranian media of the Shia opposition groups follow the same policy of discrimination against Sunnis. They publish everyday hundreds of articles and news on every aspect of life in Iran but they refuse to publish the news of hanging of the Sunnis of Baluchistan by Iranian regime. If a Shia journalist gets arrested, they follow every movement of his family and report every thing about him to maintain his presence in the media. If ten Sunnis get killed in Baluchistan, the opposition media of Iran refuse to publish the news that even have been published by the Iranian regime. The Iranian media publish hundreds of articles about the Shia political prisoners in other countries and refuse to publish any article on the political prisoners of Sunni community of Iran.
Even those security forces of Iran who have defected to the West reveal the secrets of serial killings of the Shia intellectuals and journalists but they refuse to disclose the serial killings of the Sunni leaders and intellectuals. All the Shia politicians and journalists of Iran seem to agree with the present government in its policies of genocide and complete exclusion of the Sunnis.
The same media that applied discrimination against the Sunnis publish widely any news about the persecution of the Shias in the Sunni countries. They report widely the news of Hezbollah and the Shia demonstration in Bahrain. They portray the Hezbollah as the hero of the Arab world and the Shias of Bahrain as the oppressed people who have been persecuted by Bahrain authorities but they refuse to publish the news of executions and persecutions of the Sunnis in Iran.
These are not only the Shias of Iran who have dominated other religions; the Shias of Iraq are perusing the same path. If the Shias in Iraq are not seeking supremacy why did they dissolve the Iraqi army, civil service and Iraqi secret services? If those establishments were allowed to function, today the situation would have been much better. Cleansing the Sunnis from the sensitive cities and areas in Iraq is seeking Shias supremacy. The same could be true about Lebanon. If the Hezbollah is not looking for supremacy why it is seeking the toppling of an elected government which has been elected democratically and freely according to the Lebanese constitution?
It is right for the Hezbollah to have its appropriate share in Lebanese government but it is also the right for the Sunnis in Iran to fight for their fair share of power. The Sunnis of Iraq have the same rights that the Shias have in Iran and Lebanon.
As evidence demonstrates it seems that wherever the Shias are in power the Sunnis are completely excluded. Is there a deep-rooted discriminatory belief in Shia mind?
Reza Hossein Borr is a leadership consultant and the creator of 150 CDs.
He is also the author of Manual Success, Manual of Coaching and Mentoring, Motivational Stories that Can Change Your Life, and a New Vision for the Islamic World. He can be contacted by email: balochfront@aol.com
©Copyright, Reza Hossein Borr, 2006, London, UK
Shia equality or Shia supremacy?
Every human being as a citizen of a country has an equal right of participation in political process. The person may be a Shia, a Sunni, a Christian, a Jew or the follower of any other religion. As the Declaration of Human Rights has stated all human beings are equal and must be treated equally and must have equal opportunities in their countries. If we accept this article of the Declaration of Human Rights we must also accept that the Shias must have equal rights with the Sunnis wherever they live and the Sunnis must have equal rights with the Shias wherever they live. If we consider equality of rights as the most important value that governs the relationships between different people we campaign for something which is just, acceptable and supportable.
If we campaign for the supremacy of one religion, we act in contrast of the value of equal rights and therefore, our campaign is not just, is not acceptable and must not be supported. It is true that many Shias in the Islamic world have no equal rights in many areas of life but it is also true that the Sunnis of Iran have less rights than any Shia in any Islamic country. Iran has taken the role of championing the rights of the Shia people. It is fighting relentlessly in all countries to secure their rights but Iran which is dominated by the Shias, have deliberately denied the most basic rights of the Sunnis in the last 28 years.
Discriminations against the Sunnis
Discrimination against the Sunnis covers every part of life from education, to politics, business, religion and business. These are some examples:
1. Educational discrimination against the Sunnis of Iran
There are 44,000 students in Iranian Baluchistan universities. Even 4, 000 of them are not Sunni Baluch. The Iranian government deliberately does not allow the Sunni Baluch of Iran to enter universities freely. This is while, according to one United Nations research, the Baluch children are the most talented children in Iran. This policy is pursued in all other Sunni dominated areas. Only in one county of Baluchistan, there are 500 schools which are built with cardboards and tents.
2. Political discrimination against the Sunnis of Iran
Since the beginning of the revolution, the Shia regime of Iran has not allowed even one Sunni to become prime minister, president, minister, an army general, and an ambassador. There is not even one single Sunni in Iranian Foreign Ministry. There is not even one Sunni chief executive in the whole country. All the officials in the Sunnis provinces and cities are the Shias who have been appointed by the Shia government.
3. Religious discrimination against the Sunnis of Iran
The Iranian media and leaders cite every day dozens of insulting remarks about the principles of Sunni religion. They have published hundreds of books which discredit the most important values of Islam. Even the Iranian government has built recently a huge temple to promote Abu Lo Lo, the killer of Omar, the second Caliph, as a great Islamic figure. The regime celebrates every year the murder of Omar by staging some ceremonies in which his effigy is burnt in public.
There are about one million Sunnis in Tehran, the capital of Iran, but the Iranian authorities do not allow them to build even one mosque. They are not allowed to perform their prayers in other Shia mosques. When they try to perform Friday prayers in parks, the security forces attacked them.
4. Economic discrimination against the Sunnis of Iran
99% of the Iranian businesses are under the control of the Shia population of Iran while 30% of Iranian population is Sunni. The government creates every barrier for the Sunnis to stop them from starting or developing their businesses. The major import and export licences are allocated to the Shia business. Even in the main cities of Sunnis, all the facilities of business are given to the Shias to deliberately impoverish the Sunni population of Iran. 70% to 80% of Sunnis are unemployed.
Shia inclusions in political and economics sources in Sunni dominated countries
While Iran is applying all kinds of discriminations against the Sunnis, the Sunni governments are quite generous towards their Shia population. It is a paradox that a regime that is fighting for the rights of the Shias in different countries discriminates more than any other country against the Sunnis in Iran. The Sunni governments are usually inclined to include the Shias in political and economic powers. These are some examples:
1. Pakistan
Everybody knows Bhtto family in Pakistan. They are a Shia family but they have governed Pakistan three times. There have been other Shia presidents and prime ministers in Pakistan. The Shias in Pakistan enjoy complete equality in a Sunni dominated country. There have been many Shia ministers in all governments of Pakistan from the beginning of Pakistan up to now. There are Shia army generals, there are Shia ambassadors and diplomats and there are big Shia businessmen. They have their own mosques. There are Shias in different levels of civil service too.
2. Afghanistan
There are several Shia ministers in Afghan government. There have been always Shia ministers in various Afghan regimes. There are Shia governors in Afghanistan. There are Shia army generals in Afghanistan. There are very rich Shia businessmen in Afghanistan too.
3. Kuwait
There are two Shia ministers in Kuwait. There are many Shia generals in Kuwait army. There are many Shia diplomats in the Foreign Ministry. There are many Shia businessmen in Kuwait. They have their mosques and they are free to perform their prayers.
4. The state of Qatar
There are dozens of Shia ministers, army generals, ambassadors, businessmen and high officials in Qatar and other Arab countries.
While we see that there are so many Shia high officials in Islamic and Arab world, why there is not even one single high official from the Sunnis in Iran? Why there is so much discrimination against the Sunnis in a regime that claims to embody Islamic justice, Islamic equality and brotherhood? And why there is so much silence about the exclusions of Sunnis from all sources of power in Iran? If the Shia government of Iran is fighting for the rights of Shias everywhere, why the Sunni governments of the world are not fighting for the rights of Sunnis in Iran?
Practically the Shias have had secured their supremacy in Iran at the cost of 30% of its Sunni population. Now they are seeking supremacy in other countries. For them the idea of equal rights is not a value of considerable importance when it comes to getting their own supremacy but when they do not have equal rights in other countries, they make a great issue of it.
What is disturbing everybody is not the quest of the Shias for their equal rights but their desire for supremacy. That has generated considerable resistance everywhere. Iran as the main Shia country must accept the value of equal rights for all its citizens inside Iran and then make its case for the equality of rights of the Shias in other countries. Nobody believes in Iranian campaign for the equal rights of the Shias in the Islamic countries if the Iranian regime does not believe in the equal rights of Sunnis in Iran. The Iranian regime must make itself first a believable example and must establish a model system which is a model of equality.
Iran has challenged other Islamic countries that they were not following the Islamic principles of brotherhood, equality and justice. If the government believes in these principles it must implement them fully and completely in Iran first. Once Iran is the embodiment of equality and justice, many other people and governments would follow it voluntarily. The Iranian regime can bring more credibility to its own system and to its own religion if it carries out what it preaches.
Nobody is ready to accept the supremacy of the Shias. It is a delusion that may initially grab some points but finally as the quest for supremacy is conducted recklessly, as it is done by the present regime of Iran, it will backfire and would result in the suppression of Shias in different countries.
30% of Iranian population is Sunni. Eight of its provinces are dominated by the Sunnis. Yet there has not been even single minister, army general, ambassador or a top official in the last 28 years in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The situation is clear. There is no the idea of equal rights in the minds of the Shia population of Iran and specifically the rulers of Iran. The other amazing thing is the complete silence of the ordinary Shia people over the suppression of the Sunnis. Even more amazing is the complete silence of the Iranian politicians, intellectuals, journalists and political activists over the total exclusion of Sunnis from all sources of power. The systematic discrimination that has been carried out against the Sunnis of Iran has not been criticised by any Iranian Shia politician. It seems that there is a total consensus among all Shia groups of Iran about the exclusion of Sunnis from all sources and centres of political and economic powers while all of them collectively protest strongly against the discrimination carried out against the Shias in Sunni dominated countries.
The Shia groups of different political tendencies have differences but these differences are all about who has the power and who must have it. All governments of Iran have taken over the power with great promises of equality of rights and equality of opportunity but as soon as they got established, they adapted the same old policies of oppression and suppression of different classes and groups and specifically the Sunnis.
Discrimination by Iranian media and journalists against the Sunnis
The Iranian media of the Shia opposition groups follow the same policy of discrimination against Sunnis. They publish everyday hundreds of articles and news on every aspect of life in Iran but they refuse to publish the news of hanging of the Sunnis of Baluchistan by Iranian regime. If a Shia journalist gets arrested, they follow every movement of his family and report every thing about him to maintain his presence in the media. If ten Sunnis get killed in Baluchistan, the opposition media of Iran refuse to publish the news that even have been published by the Iranian regime. The Iranian media publish hundreds of articles about the Shia political prisoners in other countries and refuse to publish any article on the political prisoners of Sunni community of Iran.
Even those security forces of Iran who have defected to the West reveal the secrets of serial killings of the Shia intellectuals and journalists but they refuse to disclose the serial killings of the Sunni leaders and intellectuals. All the Shia politicians and journalists of Iran seem to agree with the present government in its policies of genocide and complete exclusion of the Sunnis.
The same media that applied discrimination against the Sunnis publish widely any news about the persecution of the Shias in the Sunni countries. They report widely the news of Hezbollah and the Shia demonstration in Bahrain. They portray the Hezbollah as the hero of the Arab world and the Shias of Bahrain as the oppressed people who have been persecuted by Bahrain authorities but they refuse to publish the news of executions and persecutions of the Sunnis in Iran.
These are not only the Shias of Iran who have dominated other religions; the Shias of Iraq are perusing the same path. If the Shias in Iraq are not seeking supremacy why did they dissolve the Iraqi army, civil service and Iraqi secret services? If those establishments were allowed to function, today the situation would have been much better. Cleansing the Sunnis from the sensitive cities and areas in Iraq is seeking Shias supremacy. The same could be true about Lebanon. If the Hezbollah is not looking for supremacy why it is seeking the toppling of an elected government which has been elected democratically and freely according to the Lebanese constitution?
It is right for the Hezbollah to have its appropriate share in Lebanese government but it is also the right for the Sunnis in Iran to fight for their fair share of power. The Sunnis of Iraq have the same rights that the Shias have in Iran and Lebanon.
As evidence demonstrates it seems that wherever the Shias are in power the Sunnis are completely excluded. Is there a deep-rooted discriminatory belief in Shia mind?
Reza Hossein Borr is a leadership consultant and the creator of 150 CDs.
He is also the author of Manual Success, Manual of Coaching and Mentoring, Motivational Stories that Can Change Your Life, and a New Vision for the Islamic World. He can be contacted by email: balochfront@aol.com
©Copyright, Reza Hossein Borr, 2006, London, UK
Wednesday, 20 December 2006
The split in the Kurdish Democratic Party is good news for the Iranian regime
Baluchistan People's Front
The split in the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran only benefits the Iranian regime
The news of split in the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran was good news for the Iranian government but sad news for everybody who was hoping for the success of efforts of many Iranians who were trying to form a grand coalition of Iranian opposition parties and organizations. This split also happened at a time that the Kurdish organizations had already begun a wide range of talks with different Kurdish groups to bring together all Kurdish forces.
The Iranian regime has received a lot of good news recently: Baluchistan United Front was split, its Iranian opposition is divided, its enemies in Europe are divided, and its enemies in the Middle East are divided too. Consequently the Iranian regime seems very established inside Iran and has become a major power in the Middle East as a result of ineffectiveness of its enemies.
The main reason for the continuity of the Islamic Republic of Iran is not its performance and competence but the discord and the division among its opposition. From this split, as other splits in different organizations including the disintegration of Baluchistan United Front, only our common enemy will be pleased. It is true that the Iranian government has invested large amount of money to create divisions and discord among its opposition but why the opposition groups are not awakening to this reality that their victory depends on their union and unity.
The Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran is one of the oldest and possibly the largest political set-up in Iran. It has gone through many ups and downs in its history but it has been able to reproduce itself each time stronger than before. There is no doubt that this time it will survive but the cost will be uncertain delays in the creation of a grand coalition of Kurdish forces as well as the enlargement of the Congress of Iranian Nationalities.
This split came at a time that nobody expected. In the last meeting of the Congress of Iranian Nationalities in Sweden, there was talk of forming a great coalition of all political forces in Kurdistan. What we didn't know was the invisible hands that were trying to split the most important Kurdish political group.
I don't know how Kurdish people will be able to succeed in their campaign for their rights if they continue to get divided into smaller groups and fight against each other. In the armed clashes between Komola and the Kurdish Democratic Party about 500 Kurds were killed after the revolution. Now these two groups are working together in the Congress of Iranian Nationalities but the lives are lost. One strategy the Iranian regime has used since the beginning of the revolution was to use the resources, the people, the culture and traditions of each of the Iranian nationalities to create as much the division among them as possible. The Kurds must not fall in this trap.
The efforts of the Islamic Republic of Iran for creating discord and division among its opposition is not new. When the Baluchistan United Front was formed, a lot of Baluch people who were disguised in Balochi nationalism used every bit of their energy to disintegrate it. Some members of the Baluchistan United Front played in their hands and the eventually it split. This split was conducive to its full disintegration. The only beneficiary was the Islamic Republic of Iran. Again the Islamic Republic of Iran used the Baluch people against the Baluch people to disintegrate their organization.
The splitting of the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran is bad news for the Kurdish people and for everyone who hoped for the formation of a coalition that was capable of overthrowing the Iranian regime. Yet, the Congress of Iranian Nationalities is very keen to do whatever it can to repair the rift among the Kurdish people. We also are keen to see the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran to be as active in promoting the interests of Iranian and Kurdish people as before. We continue to work with the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran in the Congress of Iranian Nationalities to establish a democratic, secular and federal system in Iran.
We, the executive committee of Baluchistan People's Front, express our deep concerns about this split. We also believe it is time for all of us to unite and form a great coalition that is capable of establishing a new system in which every Iranian participates fully in the building of his town, province and country.
Baluchistan People's Front
Reza Hsoosein Borr
Baluchistan People's Front
The split in the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran only benefits the Iranian regime
The news of split in the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran was good news for the Iranian government but sad news for everybody who was hoping for the success of efforts of many Iranians who were trying to form a grand coalition of Iranian opposition parties and organizations. This split also happened at a time that the Kurdish organizations had already begun a wide range of talks with different Kurdish groups to bring together all Kurdish forces.
The Iranian regime has received a lot of good news recently: Baluchistan United Front was split, its Iranian opposition is divided, its enemies in Europe are divided, and its enemies in the Middle East are divided too. Consequently the Iranian regime seems very established inside Iran and has become a major power in the Middle East as a result of ineffectiveness of its enemies.
The main reason for the continuity of the Islamic Republic of Iran is not its performance and competence but the discord and the division among its opposition. From this split, as other splits in different organizations including the disintegration of Baluchistan United Front, only our common enemy will be pleased. It is true that the Iranian government has invested large amount of money to create divisions and discord among its opposition but why the opposition groups are not awakening to this reality that their victory depends on their union and unity.
The Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran is one of the oldest and possibly the largest political set-up in Iran. It has gone through many ups and downs in its history but it has been able to reproduce itself each time stronger than before. There is no doubt that this time it will survive but the cost will be uncertain delays in the creation of a grand coalition of Kurdish forces as well as the enlargement of the Congress of Iranian Nationalities.
This split came at a time that nobody expected. In the last meeting of the Congress of Iranian Nationalities in Sweden, there was talk of forming a great coalition of all political forces in Kurdistan. What we didn't know was the invisible hands that were trying to split the most important Kurdish political group.
I don't know how Kurdish people will be able to succeed in their campaign for their rights if they continue to get divided into smaller groups and fight against each other. In the armed clashes between Komola and the Kurdish Democratic Party about 500 Kurds were killed after the revolution. Now these two groups are working together in the Congress of Iranian Nationalities but the lives are lost. One strategy the Iranian regime has used since the beginning of the revolution was to use the resources, the people, the culture and traditions of each of the Iranian nationalities to create as much the division among them as possible. The Kurds must not fall in this trap.
The efforts of the Islamic Republic of Iran for creating discord and division among its opposition is not new. When the Baluchistan United Front was formed, a lot of Baluch people who were disguised in Balochi nationalism used every bit of their energy to disintegrate it. Some members of the Baluchistan United Front played in their hands and the eventually it split. This split was conducive to its full disintegration. The only beneficiary was the Islamic Republic of Iran. Again the Islamic Republic of Iran used the Baluch people against the Baluch people to disintegrate their organization.
The splitting of the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran is bad news for the Kurdish people and for everyone who hoped for the formation of a coalition that was capable of overthrowing the Iranian regime. Yet, the Congress of Iranian Nationalities is very keen to do whatever it can to repair the rift among the Kurdish people. We also are keen to see the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran to be as active in promoting the interests of Iranian and Kurdish people as before. We continue to work with the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran in the Congress of Iranian Nationalities to establish a democratic, secular and federal system in Iran.
We, the executive committee of Baluchistan People's Front, express our deep concerns about this split. We also believe it is time for all of us to unite and form a great coalition that is capable of establishing a new system in which every Iranian participates fully in the building of his town, province and country.
Baluchistan People's Front
Reza Hsoosein Borr
Tuesday, 19 December 2006
Ten members of the security forces of Iran were killed in Balochistan
Balochistan People's Front
Zahedan, Iran, 19 December 06- Ten members of the security forces of Iran were killed in Balochistan in an armed clash with the Jondollah Organization of Iran. The Jondollah organization of Iran announced in a statement that the clash happened in Mortan, Sarbaz, Iranshahr on 18 December 06.
This organization did not elaborate on how the armed conflict began but claimed that in a series of military operations which are called "empowerment two", initiated several attacks on the security forces. This is the second military operation by the Jondollah of Iran in the last few days. This organization took the responsibility for a bomb blast in front of the Governor's House in Zahedan on 14 December 06. The bomb exploded earlier than planned and consequently did not cause any causality.
In another statement that was issued by the Jondollah organization of Iran it was reported that one of their top commanders, Ahamad Dahmarda, was killed by the security forces located in this military base. There are numerous military bases in different parts of Baluchistan that control the transport and the movement of ordinary people which have resulted in economic slowdown of the province. According to the governmental sources there are more than 100,000 military forces of different kinds in Balochistan to control the Baluch people and yet, the military operations by Baluch militants occur on a weekly basis.
The Islamic Republic of Iran began the policy of intimidation in Baluchistan from the beginning of the revolution in order to force the Baluch people into subjugation and submission but the Baloch people initiated a counter-action policy of increasing their courage and boldness by fighting back and citing their rich legends of war and resistance.
The Jondollah organization of Iran also announced that it will organise several huge military operations in other provinces of Iran to deter the Iranian security forces from further arbitrary killings of the Baluch people. According to some reports 240 Baloch people have been either hanged in public or shot dead in different cities and villages of Baluchistan.
The Jondollah organization of Iran began its activities about four years ago with civil campaigning but some of its members were arrested and executed. This organization consequently began defending its members and organization using the same strategies that the Iranian government has used since the beginning of the revolution. This organization has also announced several times that if the Iranian government allows civil campaign in Baluchistan freely it would abandon all its arms and would become a civil organization but the Iranian government has increased its military operations in Baluchistan.
Balochistan People's Front
Zahedan, Iran, 19 December 06- Ten members of the security forces of Iran were killed in Balochistan in an armed clash with the Jondollah Organization of Iran. The Jondollah organization of Iran announced in a statement that the clash happened in Mortan, Sarbaz, Iranshahr on 18 December 06.
This organization did not elaborate on how the armed conflict began but claimed that in a series of military operations which are called "empowerment two", initiated several attacks on the security forces. This is the second military operation by the Jondollah of Iran in the last few days. This organization took the responsibility for a bomb blast in front of the Governor's House in Zahedan on 14 December 06. The bomb exploded earlier than planned and consequently did not cause any causality.
In another statement that was issued by the Jondollah organization of Iran it was reported that one of their top commanders, Ahamad Dahmarda, was killed by the security forces located in this military base. There are numerous military bases in different parts of Baluchistan that control the transport and the movement of ordinary people which have resulted in economic slowdown of the province. According to the governmental sources there are more than 100,000 military forces of different kinds in Balochistan to control the Baluch people and yet, the military operations by Baluch militants occur on a weekly basis.
The Islamic Republic of Iran began the policy of intimidation in Baluchistan from the beginning of the revolution in order to force the Baluch people into subjugation and submission but the Baloch people initiated a counter-action policy of increasing their courage and boldness by fighting back and citing their rich legends of war and resistance.
The Jondollah organization of Iran also announced that it will organise several huge military operations in other provinces of Iran to deter the Iranian security forces from further arbitrary killings of the Baluch people. According to some reports 240 Baloch people have been either hanged in public or shot dead in different cities and villages of Baluchistan.
The Jondollah organization of Iran began its activities about four years ago with civil campaigning but some of its members were arrested and executed. This organization consequently began defending its members and organization using the same strategies that the Iranian government has used since the beginning of the revolution. This organization has also announced several times that if the Iranian government allows civil campaign in Baluchistan freely it would abandon all its arms and would become a civil organization but the Iranian government has increased its military operations in Baluchistan.
Balochistan People's Front
Sunday, 17 December 2006
Iran is manufacturing four civil wars in the Middle East
Reza Hossein Borr
Iran is manufacturing four civil wars in the Middle East
What is more costly? Change of regime in Iran or civil war in the Middle East?
The Iranian regime is manufacturing four civil wars in the Middle East now and some more in future to cause numerous deaths and the destruction of 100 years of achievements of the Arab world. A large part of the achievements of the Middle East were destroyed by the war between Iran and Iraq. According to Independent news paper the cost of war was estimated at $600 billon for Iran and about $400 billion for Iraq. Hashemi Rafsanjani, former Iranian President, estimated the cost of war at $1000 billion for Iran. Human causality was about one million deaths and injured for both sides.
The war sacked most of foreign reserves of all Arab States of the Gulf and Iran and forced them to borrow money from other countries.
Devastation of Iraq
The violence in Iraq has reached the point where many experts believe that it is a civil war. More than 100 people get killed every day. The killings are sectarian killings. The Shias of Iraq have been trained, financed and armed by the Iranian government to cleanse the Iraqi Sunnis from the major cities and force them out of their country so that the Shias will be the great majority of Iraq with a very small Sunni minority that could be controlled and subjugated very easily.
There are about two million Iraqi refugees, most of them Sunnis, whose homes and lands have been already taken over by the Shia militia. The new Iraqi army has been dominated by the Shias and there is no any chance for the Sunnis to match the power of the Shia as the full civil war becomes more imminent.
Nobody has a doubt that it is the Iranian regime who has manufactured violence in Iraq and it is directing it towards full civil war to create the right conditions for creating an Iraq that the Shias are in total control.
How much Iran is spending on Iraqi militia?
Iran is financing all Iraqi Shia militia. Nobody exactly knows the amount of money that Iranian government has invested for the destruction of Iraq and the elimination of Sunnis. Some experts believe that the cost of maintaining Mahdi Army is more than 100 million dollars a month. This is all paid by the Iranian government. As Ayatollah Hakim recently confessed in America all Iraqis have some sort of contact with the Iranian regime. The contact means getting training, equipment, technology, funds and political direction. It is estimated that the Iranian regime is spending something like $500 million dollars a month in Iraq to finance different political, cultural and militant groups.
The Americans are spending about $1 billion dollars a week to established law and order but they have failed completely. If you add the cost of maintaining other military forces of American allies in Iraq, the total cost of presence of USA, UK and other countries will exceed two billion dollars a week.
How much Iran is spending on Hezbollah?
The deputy leader of Hezbollah announced recently that his organization has received $300 million dollars from Iran to reconstruct the Shia parts of Lebanon, not other parts, which have been damaged during Israel-Hezbollah war. This amount does not include the cost of maintaining Hezbollah which is estimated at $600 million dollars a year. If you add the cost of present Hezbollah campaign against the Lebanese government it is estimated that the Iranian regime is investing something like 1 billion dollars a year for preparing the Hezbollah for a civil war which according to many analysts, is about to happen.
How much Iran is spending on Hamas?
There is a kind of civil war in Palestine too. Palestinian Prime Minister, Hania, said after his trip to Iran that Iran will give $250 million more dollars to Hamas. This is in addition to paying the salaries of 100,000 unemployed workers. If you calculate the salaries of 100, 000 unemployed workers at a rate of $1000 that will amount to something like $100 million dollars per month. The Iranian regime paid $50 million dollars to Hamas just few months ago.
What Iran is doing in Bahrain?
It has been reported that the Iranian government has formed and financed more than 24 Shia organizations in Bahrain. Each organization has been allocated one particular task but the overall objective of all of them is to overthrow the traditional government of Bahrain and install an Iranian style Islamic Republic. In the recent elections in Bahrain, the Shia coalition secured 23 seats of the parliament. Although they officially accepted the results of elections, they have now started a campaign for destabilising the system which is one of the most competent systems in the Arab world.
The Shia community always had a major share in political and economic power in Bahrain although the ruling family is Sunni. After the elections a Shia was appointed as the deputy Prime Minister and another one as the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. There are other Shia politicians in the government too. In spite of being part of the government, the Shia groups of Bahrain are following the same strategies that Hamas is implementing in Palestine and Hezbollah is carrying out in Lebanon.
The process of the destabilisation of Bahrain has begun. Al-Wefaq Islamic Society led by Chairman Ali Salman is playing the same role that the Hezbollah of Lebanon is playing.
According to consecutive reports of Transparency International, Bahrain is among the cleanest countries in the region. It is also one of the most liberal countries in the Middle East. It is obvious that the Iranian regime is manufacturing four civil wars in the region. As we see in Iraq, the cost of sectarian violence is devastating. If Palestine, Lebanon and Bahrain fall in the trap the Iranian government has planned for them, they face the same fate the Iraqis are facing now.
Who is causing the destruction?
The Iranian regime is manufacturing and financing these civil wars in the Middle East. How much destruction in Iraq, Palestine, Bahrain and Lebanon will be caused by the civil wars must be calculated in future. But if the cost has been so far 600,000 deaths, 2 million refugees and the destruction of thousands of homes and the infrastructure of Iraq, how much death and destruction will be made in the next two years, and in the next 5 years and so on?.
We will see very soon that the same death and destruction would happen in Palestine, Bahrain and Lebanon. Now it is evident that the Iranian regime has planned to destroy the achievements of 100 years of hard work of Arab people.
So what can you do with such a regime?
Would you wait until the Iranian regime causes more death and destruction or will you take action now to change the Iranian regime? Change of the Iranian regime is costly but only it costs about the expenses of two weeks of the allied forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The people and governments of the region must pay the cost of restoring prosperity and security in the Middle East. The others can not do for us what we can do for ourselves. Once we determine to go for it, the rest will follow.
Reza Hossein Borr is a leadership consultant and the creator of 150 CDs.
He is also the author of Manual Success, Manual of Coaching and Mentoring, Motivational Stories that Can Change Your Life, and a New Vision for the Islamic World. He can be contacted by email: balochfront@aol.com
Iran is manufacturing four civil wars in the Middle East
What is more costly? Change of regime in Iran or civil war in the Middle East?
The Iranian regime is manufacturing four civil wars in the Middle East now and some more in future to cause numerous deaths and the destruction of 100 years of achievements of the Arab world. A large part of the achievements of the Middle East were destroyed by the war between Iran and Iraq. According to Independent news paper the cost of war was estimated at $600 billon for Iran and about $400 billion for Iraq. Hashemi Rafsanjani, former Iranian President, estimated the cost of war at $1000 billion for Iran. Human causality was about one million deaths and injured for both sides.
The war sacked most of foreign reserves of all Arab States of the Gulf and Iran and forced them to borrow money from other countries.
Devastation of Iraq
The violence in Iraq has reached the point where many experts believe that it is a civil war. More than 100 people get killed every day. The killings are sectarian killings. The Shias of Iraq have been trained, financed and armed by the Iranian government to cleanse the Iraqi Sunnis from the major cities and force them out of their country so that the Shias will be the great majority of Iraq with a very small Sunni minority that could be controlled and subjugated very easily.
There are about two million Iraqi refugees, most of them Sunnis, whose homes and lands have been already taken over by the Shia militia. The new Iraqi army has been dominated by the Shias and there is no any chance for the Sunnis to match the power of the Shia as the full civil war becomes more imminent.
Nobody has a doubt that it is the Iranian regime who has manufactured violence in Iraq and it is directing it towards full civil war to create the right conditions for creating an Iraq that the Shias are in total control.
How much Iran is spending on Iraqi militia?
Iran is financing all Iraqi Shia militia. Nobody exactly knows the amount of money that Iranian government has invested for the destruction of Iraq and the elimination of Sunnis. Some experts believe that the cost of maintaining Mahdi Army is more than 100 million dollars a month. This is all paid by the Iranian government. As Ayatollah Hakim recently confessed in America all Iraqis have some sort of contact with the Iranian regime. The contact means getting training, equipment, technology, funds and political direction. It is estimated that the Iranian regime is spending something like $500 million dollars a month in Iraq to finance different political, cultural and militant groups.
The Americans are spending about $1 billion dollars a week to established law and order but they have failed completely. If you add the cost of maintaining other military forces of American allies in Iraq, the total cost of presence of USA, UK and other countries will exceed two billion dollars a week.
How much Iran is spending on Hezbollah?
The deputy leader of Hezbollah announced recently that his organization has received $300 million dollars from Iran to reconstruct the Shia parts of Lebanon, not other parts, which have been damaged during Israel-Hezbollah war. This amount does not include the cost of maintaining Hezbollah which is estimated at $600 million dollars a year. If you add the cost of present Hezbollah campaign against the Lebanese government it is estimated that the Iranian regime is investing something like 1 billion dollars a year for preparing the Hezbollah for a civil war which according to many analysts, is about to happen.
How much Iran is spending on Hamas?
There is a kind of civil war in Palestine too. Palestinian Prime Minister, Hania, said after his trip to Iran that Iran will give $250 million more dollars to Hamas. This is in addition to paying the salaries of 100,000 unemployed workers. If you calculate the salaries of 100, 000 unemployed workers at a rate of $1000 that will amount to something like $100 million dollars per month. The Iranian regime paid $50 million dollars to Hamas just few months ago.
What Iran is doing in Bahrain?
It has been reported that the Iranian government has formed and financed more than 24 Shia organizations in Bahrain. Each organization has been allocated one particular task but the overall objective of all of them is to overthrow the traditional government of Bahrain and install an Iranian style Islamic Republic. In the recent elections in Bahrain, the Shia coalition secured 23 seats of the parliament. Although they officially accepted the results of elections, they have now started a campaign for destabilising the system which is one of the most competent systems in the Arab world.
The Shia community always had a major share in political and economic power in Bahrain although the ruling family is Sunni. After the elections a Shia was appointed as the deputy Prime Minister and another one as the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. There are other Shia politicians in the government too. In spite of being part of the government, the Shia groups of Bahrain are following the same strategies that Hamas is implementing in Palestine and Hezbollah is carrying out in Lebanon.
The process of the destabilisation of Bahrain has begun. Al-Wefaq Islamic Society led by Chairman Ali Salman is playing the same role that the Hezbollah of Lebanon is playing.
According to consecutive reports of Transparency International, Bahrain is among the cleanest countries in the region. It is also one of the most liberal countries in the Middle East. It is obvious that the Iranian regime is manufacturing four civil wars in the region. As we see in Iraq, the cost of sectarian violence is devastating. If Palestine, Lebanon and Bahrain fall in the trap the Iranian government has planned for them, they face the same fate the Iraqis are facing now.
Who is causing the destruction?
The Iranian regime is manufacturing and financing these civil wars in the Middle East. How much destruction in Iraq, Palestine, Bahrain and Lebanon will be caused by the civil wars must be calculated in future. But if the cost has been so far 600,000 deaths, 2 million refugees and the destruction of thousands of homes and the infrastructure of Iraq, how much death and destruction will be made in the next two years, and in the next 5 years and so on?.
We will see very soon that the same death and destruction would happen in Palestine, Bahrain and Lebanon. Now it is evident that the Iranian regime has planned to destroy the achievements of 100 years of hard work of Arab people.
So what can you do with such a regime?
Would you wait until the Iranian regime causes more death and destruction or will you take action now to change the Iranian regime? Change of the Iranian regime is costly but only it costs about the expenses of two weeks of the allied forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The people and governments of the region must pay the cost of restoring prosperity and security in the Middle East. The others can not do for us what we can do for ourselves. Once we determine to go for it, the rest will follow.
Reza Hossein Borr is a leadership consultant and the creator of 150 CDs.
He is also the author of Manual Success, Manual of Coaching and Mentoring, Motivational Stories that Can Change Your Life, and a New Vision for the Islamic World. He can be contacted by email: balochfront@aol.com
Friday, 15 December 2006
The Iranian four-track-parallel foreign policy has confused Saudi Arabia
First Published 2006-12-15, Last Updated 2006-12-15 09:14:08, http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/
The Iranian four-track-parallel foreign policy has confused Saudi Arabia
The vague foreign policy of Iran has been able to deceive and confuse nearly all leaders of the world specifically the Arab leaders, says Reza Hossein Borr.
The Iranian regime always had a four-track-parallel foreign policy to influence the most important groups in the Arab world and Saudi Arabia. Each track has its own approach and perception of the region and Iran. The objective of the Iranian multiple intentions-multiple targets and multiple outcomes policy is to confuse the decision-makers in the Arab world and stop them from formulating an effective approach towards Iran.
The Iranian regime communicates its multiple track confusing foreign policies through different channels. The supreme leader is the main communicator of the source of confusion. He gives multiple signals that appeal to a wide variety of audience. His messages intend to inspire pride in the Iranian people and prejudice against adversaries.
The Iranian President communicates directly with the Arab masses. He uses simple words that generate vigour and energy in simple people who cannot understand the complexity of the Iranian mind. He targets the most important beliefs and aspirations of Moslems. He uses Islamic ideology to infiltrate their belief system and uses military language to intrude into the heart and feelings of the people on the streets. He portrays Shia religion as the source of invincibility that campaigns for the realisation of goals of all Moslems. He injects a kind of feeling of righteousness in others about himself. He implies that his righteousness comes from his Shia religious beliefs. He implies that if everybody was a revolutionary Shia militia with strong faith in the power of Islam, eradication of Israel and the restoration of Islamic glory will be very easy.
The Moslems and Arabs and specifically the Saudi Arabian Arabs are craving for glory and pride. They are craving for somebody who speaks their suppressed feelings and untold aspirations. Ahmadinejad's rhetoric is in dire contrast with Saudi Arabian leaders who follow a quiet policy.
The journalists are affected in the same way. They have to reflect the public opinions in their reports. Thus, Ahmadinejad's opinions appear in Arab media. When the Arab masses see that their opinions have been reflected in the media they believe in their own opinions that somehow have been generated by Ahmadinejad. The Arab masses face unconsciously the choice between their own leaders and Ahmadinejad. It is evident that Ahmadinejad reflects their opinions and therefore, a feeling of affinity and admiration towards him is generated in them.
The next channel of communication is carried out by the Iranian foreign minister. He travels to different countries and draws a new version of Iranian foreign policy which partly confirms Ahmadinejad's messages and partly rejects them. He demonstrates the friendly version of confusing foreign policy that can positively affect the foreign ministers of Islamic and Arab world. He implies that Ahmadinejad's speeches are designed for the Iranian masses and have not to be taken seriously by the leaders of other countries. He portrays Ahmadinejad as a person who has no control over his feelings and ideas and therefore speaks without considering diplomatic protocols.
The Iranian foreign minister communicates a foreign policy version that manifests friendliness in mutual relationships. He tries to demonstrate Iranian good will in establishing and promoting cultural and commercial relationships.
He wants to build trust to cover the real objectives that are carried out by the Iranian security forces.
The next channel of communication of total deception is presented by two former presidents: Hashemi Rafsanjani and Khatami. These two are the masters of disguising the truth. They pretend to be the main sources of decision-making. They talk about Islamic brotherhood and dialogue of civilisations. They are the Rasputins of Islamic Republic of Iran. They target intellectuals, media, journalists, think tanks as well as politicians. They go to different universities and international organisations to portray the Iranian revolution as a just revolution that seeks justice and equality for all the people of the world. They want to prove that they have already implemented the principles and values of Islam in Iran and consequently, they have created a heaven on earth in the Iranian land. They are keen to give every assurance to people of the world and specifically to the Arabs that Iran is a peaceful country and seeks peace and justice for everyone.
While these channel of communications try to fool the Arabs the revolutionary guards and security forces are fully engaged in exporting revolution, reviving Shia nationalism and sponsoring terrorism.
The Iranian regime has been engaged in multiple track foreign policy behaviour. While the religious leaders have tried to secure the trust of the Arabs through promoting Islamic values and principles in the Arab lands, the Iranian intelligence services have formulated and implemented the real Iranian foreign policy which is influencing the Shias and those Sunnis who are frustrated from the present situation.
This vague foreign policy of Iran has been able to deceive and confuse nearly all leaders of the world specifically the Arab leaders. The Arab leaders are Sunnis and naturally believe in what they hear specifically if it comes from those people who look credible. The religious leaders in the eyes of the Sunnis are credible people that have to be believed and respected. The Iranian religious leaders have understood the honesty of the Arab people and Arab leaders and they have taken full advantage of it. The Iranian leaders have pledged to prevent terrorist activities against the Arab governments but have not honoured them. They believe that the Arab leaders are tyrants (zaalem) and therefore the pledge is not bounding. The Arabs have not been able to understand the complexity of the Iranian Shia mind. They have not been able to recognise the mask which covers the devil.
The present confusion among the Arab leaders and specifically Saudi Arabian leaders has created dangerous differences of opinion and even dispute among them. The Iranian government has succeeded in creating divisions among the Arab rulers which naturally would result in indecisiveness. Today some officials in Saudi Arabian government believe that Iran has good intentions and some others believe that the Iranian regime has created Shia crescent to assert Shia supremacy.
Making right decisions must come from clarity of understanding of accurate data. The data that the Arab governments receive from Iran are vague and confusing and therefore, they are not able to make decisions to prevent Iran from further intrusion. It was hard for many Arab leaders to believe that the Iranian officials have systematically misguided them through well-designed lies and deceptive strategies.
The Iranian government has always denied interfering in the affairs of the Arab world and yet everybody is convinced today that Iran is creating civil wars in Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon.
The most important Arab country is Saudi Arabia that has the resources to encounter the Iranian threat but the Iranian regime has been able to split the Saudi Arabian ruling family. Some of the members of ruling family have been confused so much that they cannot believe that Iran is behind all the explosive conditions in the Middle East. Some others are convinced that Iran is the main element of the destabilisation in the Arab world. The vagueness of Iranian foreign policy has created so much darkness that it is difficult to reach the clarity of understanding of relationship between Iran and the Arab world.
It took the United States about 25 years to understand that the Iranian leaders are deceptive. The European leaders are still confused but they are not the main targets of Iranian fundamentalism. The Arab countries are the main targets of Iranian extremism and fundamentalism. Iran has already generated sufficient violence in Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon.
Can the governments of the Arab world understand the real objectives of Iranian government and formulate new policies to encounter the dangerous threat that looms over their heads?
If the leaders of Saudi Arabia continue to be receptive to the confusion that has been imposed on them, the Iranian regime will move in the heart of the Arab world.
Reza Hossein Borr is a leadership consultant and the creator of 150 CDs. He is also the author of Manual Success, Manual of Coaching and Mentoring, Motivational Stories that Can Change Your Life, and a New Vision for the Islamic World.
He can be contacted by email: sarawani@aol.com
© Copyright, 2006 London
The Iranian four-track-parallel foreign policy has confused Saudi Arabia
The vague foreign policy of Iran has been able to deceive and confuse nearly all leaders of the world specifically the Arab leaders, says Reza Hossein Borr.
The Iranian regime always had a four-track-parallel foreign policy to influence the most important groups in the Arab world and Saudi Arabia. Each track has its own approach and perception of the region and Iran. The objective of the Iranian multiple intentions-multiple targets and multiple outcomes policy is to confuse the decision-makers in the Arab world and stop them from formulating an effective approach towards Iran.
The Iranian regime communicates its multiple track confusing foreign policies through different channels. The supreme leader is the main communicator of the source of confusion. He gives multiple signals that appeal to a wide variety of audience. His messages intend to inspire pride in the Iranian people and prejudice against adversaries.
The Iranian President communicates directly with the Arab masses. He uses simple words that generate vigour and energy in simple people who cannot understand the complexity of the Iranian mind. He targets the most important beliefs and aspirations of Moslems. He uses Islamic ideology to infiltrate their belief system and uses military language to intrude into the heart and feelings of the people on the streets. He portrays Shia religion as the source of invincibility that campaigns for the realisation of goals of all Moslems. He injects a kind of feeling of righteousness in others about himself. He implies that his righteousness comes from his Shia religious beliefs. He implies that if everybody was a revolutionary Shia militia with strong faith in the power of Islam, eradication of Israel and the restoration of Islamic glory will be very easy.
The Moslems and Arabs and specifically the Saudi Arabian Arabs are craving for glory and pride. They are craving for somebody who speaks their suppressed feelings and untold aspirations. Ahmadinejad's rhetoric is in dire contrast with Saudi Arabian leaders who follow a quiet policy.
The journalists are affected in the same way. They have to reflect the public opinions in their reports. Thus, Ahmadinejad's opinions appear in Arab media. When the Arab masses see that their opinions have been reflected in the media they believe in their own opinions that somehow have been generated by Ahmadinejad. The Arab masses face unconsciously the choice between their own leaders and Ahmadinejad. It is evident that Ahmadinejad reflects their opinions and therefore, a feeling of affinity and admiration towards him is generated in them.
The next channel of communication is carried out by the Iranian foreign minister. He travels to different countries and draws a new version of Iranian foreign policy which partly confirms Ahmadinejad's messages and partly rejects them. He demonstrates the friendly version of confusing foreign policy that can positively affect the foreign ministers of Islamic and Arab world. He implies that Ahmadinejad's speeches are designed for the Iranian masses and have not to be taken seriously by the leaders of other countries. He portrays Ahmadinejad as a person who has no control over his feelings and ideas and therefore speaks without considering diplomatic protocols.
The Iranian foreign minister communicates a foreign policy version that manifests friendliness in mutual relationships. He tries to demonstrate Iranian good will in establishing and promoting cultural and commercial relationships.
He wants to build trust to cover the real objectives that are carried out by the Iranian security forces.
The next channel of communication of total deception is presented by two former presidents: Hashemi Rafsanjani and Khatami. These two are the masters of disguising the truth. They pretend to be the main sources of decision-making. They talk about Islamic brotherhood and dialogue of civilisations. They are the Rasputins of Islamic Republic of Iran. They target intellectuals, media, journalists, think tanks as well as politicians. They go to different universities and international organisations to portray the Iranian revolution as a just revolution that seeks justice and equality for all the people of the world. They want to prove that they have already implemented the principles and values of Islam in Iran and consequently, they have created a heaven on earth in the Iranian land. They are keen to give every assurance to people of the world and specifically to the Arabs that Iran is a peaceful country and seeks peace and justice for everyone.
While these channel of communications try to fool the Arabs the revolutionary guards and security forces are fully engaged in exporting revolution, reviving Shia nationalism and sponsoring terrorism.
The Iranian regime has been engaged in multiple track foreign policy behaviour. While the religious leaders have tried to secure the trust of the Arabs through promoting Islamic values and principles in the Arab lands, the Iranian intelligence services have formulated and implemented the real Iranian foreign policy which is influencing the Shias and those Sunnis who are frustrated from the present situation.
This vague foreign policy of Iran has been able to deceive and confuse nearly all leaders of the world specifically the Arab leaders. The Arab leaders are Sunnis and naturally believe in what they hear specifically if it comes from those people who look credible. The religious leaders in the eyes of the Sunnis are credible people that have to be believed and respected. The Iranian religious leaders have understood the honesty of the Arab people and Arab leaders and they have taken full advantage of it. The Iranian leaders have pledged to prevent terrorist activities against the Arab governments but have not honoured them. They believe that the Arab leaders are tyrants (zaalem) and therefore the pledge is not bounding. The Arabs have not been able to understand the complexity of the Iranian Shia mind. They have not been able to recognise the mask which covers the devil.
The present confusion among the Arab leaders and specifically Saudi Arabian leaders has created dangerous differences of opinion and even dispute among them. The Iranian government has succeeded in creating divisions among the Arab rulers which naturally would result in indecisiveness. Today some officials in Saudi Arabian government believe that Iran has good intentions and some others believe that the Iranian regime has created Shia crescent to assert Shia supremacy.
Making right decisions must come from clarity of understanding of accurate data. The data that the Arab governments receive from Iran are vague and confusing and therefore, they are not able to make decisions to prevent Iran from further intrusion. It was hard for many Arab leaders to believe that the Iranian officials have systematically misguided them through well-designed lies and deceptive strategies.
The Iranian government has always denied interfering in the affairs of the Arab world and yet everybody is convinced today that Iran is creating civil wars in Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon.
The most important Arab country is Saudi Arabia that has the resources to encounter the Iranian threat but the Iranian regime has been able to split the Saudi Arabian ruling family. Some of the members of ruling family have been confused so much that they cannot believe that Iran is behind all the explosive conditions in the Middle East. Some others are convinced that Iran is the main element of the destabilisation in the Arab world. The vagueness of Iranian foreign policy has created so much darkness that it is difficult to reach the clarity of understanding of relationship between Iran and the Arab world.
It took the United States about 25 years to understand that the Iranian leaders are deceptive. The European leaders are still confused but they are not the main targets of Iranian fundamentalism. The Arab countries are the main targets of Iranian extremism and fundamentalism. Iran has already generated sufficient violence in Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon.
Can the governments of the Arab world understand the real objectives of Iranian government and formulate new policies to encounter the dangerous threat that looms over their heads?
If the leaders of Saudi Arabia continue to be receptive to the confusion that has been imposed on them, the Iranian regime will move in the heart of the Arab world.
Reza Hossein Borr is a leadership consultant and the creator of 150 CDs. He is also the author of Manual Success, Manual of Coaching and Mentoring, Motivational Stories that Can Change Your Life, and a New Vision for the Islamic World.
He can be contacted by email: sarawani@aol.com
© Copyright, 2006 London
Two bombs exploded in Zahedan
Balochistan People’s Front
Reza Hossein Borr
Zahedan, Baluchistan, Iran, 15 December -- two bombs exploded in Zahedan last night causing some damages but no causality was reported. The first bomb blast happened about 10 o'clock in the evening in front of the building of governor of Baluchistan. The other one exploded few minutes later near Baluchistan University. Jondollah of Baluchistan has taken officially the responsibility for these explosions
This is the first time that two bombs of this nature have been used to in Baluchistan. The people who witnessed the explosions claimed the target was the governor and other top officials of Baluchistan who had a meeting in the governor’s office to discuss the elections that began today.
One source which is close to the Jondollah of Baluchistan said that the objective of these explosions was to disrupt the process of fraudulent ongoing elections and deter the government from further oppressing Baluch people. Some reports indicate that 240 Baluch people have been hanged in public or shot dead in the streets in the last six months. Not even one single official has been arrested for these killing. Consequently the Jondollah organization of Iran decided to take some preventative measures to stop further killing of the Baloch people.
It is not yet clear that the plan was to target the governor and other top officials of Baluchistan when they left the building. If that was the plan the bombs exploded earlier and did not cause any harm. Another source which is close to Baluch fighters said that the objective of the explosions was to warn the Iranian government that they had the ability to act at any time they wanted to use different methods of resistance. The aim of these explosions was not to kill or destroy but to warn.
There are 100 armed groups in Baluchistan who are fighting for their basic human rights that have been violated since the beginning of the revolution. The Baluch people are Sunnis and the Shia government of Iran has officially denied them any participation in running their own affairs in Baluchistan. There are three million Sunni Baluch in Iran and there has not been even one Baolch minister, governor, ambassador, general or any other top official since the revolution. According to consecutive United Nations reports Baluchistan is the poorest province in Iran. The Baluch people believe that the Iranian regime has deliberately decided to impoverish them and force them out of their land. To maintain their identity and land the Baluch people have begun widespread civil and armed campaign against regime.
Balochistan People’s Front , email: balochfront@aol.com
Reza Hossein Borr
Reza Hossein Borr
Zahedan, Baluchistan, Iran, 15 December -- two bombs exploded in Zahedan last night causing some damages but no causality was reported. The first bomb blast happened about 10 o'clock in the evening in front of the building of governor of Baluchistan. The other one exploded few minutes later near Baluchistan University. Jondollah of Baluchistan has taken officially the responsibility for these explosions
This is the first time that two bombs of this nature have been used to in Baluchistan. The people who witnessed the explosions claimed the target was the governor and other top officials of Baluchistan who had a meeting in the governor’s office to discuss the elections that began today.
One source which is close to the Jondollah of Baluchistan said that the objective of these explosions was to disrupt the process of fraudulent ongoing elections and deter the government from further oppressing Baluch people. Some reports indicate that 240 Baluch people have been hanged in public or shot dead in the streets in the last six months. Not even one single official has been arrested for these killing. Consequently the Jondollah organization of Iran decided to take some preventative measures to stop further killing of the Baloch people.
It is not yet clear that the plan was to target the governor and other top officials of Baluchistan when they left the building. If that was the plan the bombs exploded earlier and did not cause any harm. Another source which is close to Baluch fighters said that the objective of the explosions was to warn the Iranian government that they had the ability to act at any time they wanted to use different methods of resistance. The aim of these explosions was not to kill or destroy but to warn.
There are 100 armed groups in Baluchistan who are fighting for their basic human rights that have been violated since the beginning of the revolution. The Baluch people are Sunnis and the Shia government of Iran has officially denied them any participation in running their own affairs in Baluchistan. There are three million Sunni Baluch in Iran and there has not been even one Baolch minister, governor, ambassador, general or any other top official since the revolution. According to consecutive United Nations reports Baluchistan is the poorest province in Iran. The Baluch people believe that the Iranian regime has deliberately decided to impoverish them and force them out of their land. To maintain their identity and land the Baluch people have begun widespread civil and armed campaign against regime.
Balochistan People’s Front , email: balochfront@aol.com
Reza Hossein Borr
Thursday, 14 December 2006
A New vision for Baluchistan, Iran
Reza Hossein Borr
Baluchistan Peoples Front
Baluchistan United Front
A New vision for Baluchistan, Iran
We are literally bound by nothing, except our thoughts.
We are striving to make Balocistan and Iran the lands of excellence and accomplishments, law and liberty, the land of success and opportunity, the land of stability and security, the land of wisdom and rationality, the land of honour and humanity, the land of peace and prosperity, the land of harmony and happiness thru a democratic, secular and federal system.
We intend to make Iran a land to which everybody wants to belong.
Mission Statement
We are determined to campaign relentlessly to change the present regime, establish democracy, unleash unlimited human potentials and develop huge natural resources to maximize the welfare, well being and security of Iranian people.
Definition of our key values
Everything you see happening to you is the consequence of that which you are.
Iran is what we are and we are what Iran is. Our country is reflected in every one of us and every one of us reflects one part of our land. Iran has made us what we are and we have made Iran what it is. We as Iranians have produced Iran as it is.
Iran as it is, is in the most undesirable state and therefore, the Iranians are in the most undesirable states. Every where you look you can see poverty, discrimination, bloodshed, violence, prostitution, drug addiction, crime, revenge, humiliation, conspiracy and misery. All these things have been produced by us as Iranians and as Iranians, we must commit ourselves to eradicate them and replace the values and principles that are suggested in this vision.
All these things have happened to us because of what we are and who we are. If we want better things to happen to us, we have to change what we are and who we are. These miseries will continue to happen to us until we decide vigorously to change what we are and who we are. The first condition for changing what we are is to decide that we don't want to be what we are.
To change what we are and who we are, we have to adopt new principles and values that rebuild and remould our composition and make-up. When these values and principles are adapted and integrated in our beings, would we be able to attract new great and excellent achievements.
Remember We Are Conditioned To Believe That these are Impossible but the Japanese applied them in their lives and they became the second greatest economy in the world; the Chinese, Indians, the South Koreans and Taiwanese also applied them in their lives, in their systems, in their cultures and in their governments and now they are enjoying a high level of prosperity, peace, security and stability.
As Benjamin Disraeli, the former British Prime Minister said, "Nurture your mind with great thoughts for you will never go any higher than you think."
Excellence is about achieving the best. It is a state of mind in which your thoughts, your talks and your behaviours and actions generate excellent outcomes within your abilities. Your abilities are unlimited and therefore, the quality of your excellence is also unlimited too. You have achieved excellence when other people, as judges, look at what you have done and say, "well done, it couldn't have been done better." The process of generating this state of excellence in your mind and in your life begins at looking at those whose state of excellence have generated extra- ordinary achievements.
It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.
Accomplishment is about focusing on performance. Great accomplishments are the products of peak performance. Whatever you do must be accomplished well and exceed expectations. I know that the greatness of my nation, my people and my country depends on me. I commit myself to think big, plan well and set great goals in order to accomplish great tasks.
In order to communicate a common understanding to everybody who is interested in this vision we define the key words in the following terms.
Law means rules and regulations and acts passed by the Iranian parliament, international agencies and UN. The new Iranian constitution shall be compatible with the United Nations charters and its conventions. These laws will define the relationship between citizens. All citizens have equal rights. Nobody is above law and the rule of the law is the supreme value of the nation.
I commit myself to observe all the laws, rules and regulations of the nation. I guarantee that the new constitution and the new laws are observed and carried out by all institutions of the state.
My family and I are equal to every other citizen in the eyes of the constitution. I pledge that my family will not expect any favourable treatment.
Liberty means freedom.
Liberty is the state of being free within the society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behaviour and political views. It also means the power or scope to act as one pleases and pursues his or her own interests and preferences. Freedom is my highest political value.
Our country has been in the search of liberty for many decades. I would strive to institutionalise this value to make sure that liberty will become an integral part of Iranian Society. I will do my best to establish liberty in my country and encourage everybody else to accept it and apply it in their lives and fight for it if the need arises.
Liberty must be considered as the highest political value in Iran and shall be defended by every single Iranian.
Liberty also means the freedom of press, political parties, social and cultural societies and institution, freedom of elections, freedom of religion, opinions and freedom of choice.
I shall strive to guarantee these freedoms, as they are known in India, Western Europe and USA.
Success means the accomplishment of an aim or objective. Our land must be the land of accomplishments and achievements by all Iranians.
A country is measured by its collective achievement and therefore, our country shall be measured by the collective accomplishments of all Iranians. It is the collective success of all Iranians that guarantees prosperity for all.
I would strive to create conditions in Iran in which success becomes available to all. I will do my best to prevent political, social, cultural, economic, ethnic, and religious discrimination.
I will fight against discrimination of any kind and I would invite all Iranians to unleash their best potentials to achieve the best for themselves and for their country.
Opportunity means a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something or achieve something.
Other land must be the land of opportunity is for all citizens regardless of their colour, religion, race and background.
I shall strive to create such circumstances in which achieving an objective becomes available to all Iranians.
I will guarantee that they will be the quality of opportunity for all. No discrimination shall be accepted by anybody.
Stability must be considered as the most important social value of our country. Stability means smooth running of the affair and peaceful evolution of developments.
Our people need to plan for short and long-term visions and objectives. Our governments need to plan in stable conditions to ensure the continuity. Only stability can ensure the implementation and realisation of our other values and therefore, stability must be given top priority when we formulate rules, regulations, constitution and long-term planning.
I shall strive to promote stability as one of my major value in myself and in the whole country. I'd invite all Iranians to contribute to the stability of the country after a democratic government and system has been established in Iran.
Security means being free from any threat and danger that may be inflicted by governmental institutions and individual intrusions.
Security is the most important psychological demand of Iranian people. They have felt insecure for more than two decades now.
I guarantee to establish security for all Iranians regardless of their political, religious, social and racial backgrounds. I understand the importance of security for the well-being of Iranian people. Without security political freedom, economic progress, social stability and peace of mind will not be achieved and our objectives and visions will not be realised, and therefore, I urge all Iranians to fight anybody and any institution that may undermine the security of our nation, our country, and our citizens.
Wisdom means the collective knowledge and principles that have been developed within Iranian Society on the basis of sound actions, reasonable judgments and constructive decisions.
I shall strive to promote wisdom as it is defined here. I shall encourage all Iranian people to embrace sound actions, reasonable judgments and constructive decisions. In the age of wisdom and technology we need a new understanding of our culture and our world so that we constructively engage in national, regional and international affairs.
Rationality means a way of thinking which is based on reason and logic. It is to enable the person to think clearly, sensibly and logically.
Our nation needs to rethink rationally her way of perceiving internal and external interactions. This perception shall be based on logic, reason and wisdom. Only a rational way of perception can bring a new productive approach towards our culture and value was.
I shall strive to construct a rational approach and I shall strive to encourage all Iranian people to build their principles and value systems on rational understandings.
Honour means high respect and esteem for oneself and for other people. It is a set of principles that defines the relationship among all citizens. Honour means distinguishing between right and wrong and adhering to the right principles.
I shall strive to honour all my promises and endeavour to fight against the wrongdoings of all citizens and institutions. I shall encourage all my fellow countrymen to treat each other with honour and respect.
Our individual and collective honour has been deeply damaged during the last few decades and therefore, we shall do our best to restore our honour, dignity, respect and positive and productive values.
Humanity means respecting human beings and principles of peaceful c0-existence among different human beings. Humanity means believing in human rights, human principles, and equality of opportunity and treatment for all human beings.
As a human being I shall strive to promote human rights in Iranian Society and endeavour to fight against any institution or anybody who may violate human rights.
In this regard I shall promise that I want everything for other people that I want for myself and for my family and I shall treat every human being with equal fairness.
Peace means being free from disturbance, war, violence and violent conflicts. It also means tranquillity, mutual understanding and agree to disagree peacefully on different issues.
Our nation and people have suffered too much from unnecessary conflicts, wars and violence of this century.
I understand that the peace of our nation has been undermined by continuous wars and violence imposed by the present regime on our people. I understand that all resources our nation has been wasted by these wars and conflicts. I understand that the violent regime of the Islamic Republic has inflicted unbearable blows to the heart and mind of our people and therefore I shall strive to bring peace in our country.
I shall endeavour to encourage all my countrymen to resolve their problems peacefully through dialogue and negotiations. When it is impossible to resolve the disputes through dialogue and negotiations the law will rule and say the last word.
Prosperity for all
Prosperity means being financially successful, and growing strong and healthy. Prosperity means providing material success for all Iranians in a way that everybody in our land shall have a decent life, enjoying free education and free health.
Prosperity means providing for those who cannot provide for themselves and giving the opportunity to everybody to maximise his material gains and satisfy his initial needs.
I will strive to promote a government that creates all the right conditions for the citizens to grow as much as they can and create as much wealth as they can legally and morally.
I will strive to promote social justice and endeavour to gradually establish a welfare state in which every citizen enjoys equal treatment and equal opportunity.
Happiness is a state of mind in which people enjoy life and exercise their our will to follow their own interests.
I understand that happiness is the most wanted value in our Society and therefore, I will strive to contribute effectively in the creation of a culture in which everybody values happiness and joy.
I realise that our nation has been denied the basic pleasures of life and freedom of choice. And therefore, I shall promote the idea of happiness in different forms and shapes and encourage my countrymen to go for positive and optimistic thinking.
I understand that our nation has been under tremendous pressure to abandon our old traditions for festival, music, dancing, social gatherings and hobbies.
I shall strive to promote any activity that brings happiness and joy to our people.
Harmony means social cohesion, cultural understanding, and alignment. Harmony also means working in teams and groups with the spirit of cooperation and coordination in order to bring economic prosperity and social stability.
I shall strive to harmonise different sections of Iranian people and prevent destructive conflicts and disruptions. I will encourage my fellow countrymen to promote harmony and prevent conflicts.
I promise to honour all these values and promote them at all times and defend them with my life.
I pledged that I do my best to create the best conditions for the Iranian people so that they attain a high level of prosperity, peace and happiness.
Guiding lights
To make sure that all Iranians promote these values I suggest the following guiding lights to define the terms of the contracts between different people, people and governments and different institutions.
The Guiding Lights of our organisation
I. I commit myself to promote openness within my life and my society.
2. I am determined to reward honesty.
3. I commit myself to reward somebody who is doing a job better-than-expected and completing it sooner than expected.
4. I commit myself to treat people equally regardless of their race, colour and gender.
5. I promise to listen to other people carefully and respect their views.
6. I care for other people the way I want to be taken care of.
7. Feedback is the break fast of champions. I welcome it, as I know it is going to enhance my own performance as well as the performance of other people.
8. I communicate my expectations to my colleagues and request solutions.
9. As a member of my Society I share my views with others and a expect others to share their views with me.
10. I share my knowledge with others and expect others to share their knowledge with me.
11. I am making myself approachable so that other people have the opportunity to communicate with me effectively.
12. I always ask myself, " Is there a better way of doing this?"
13. I always look for the best practice.
14. I keep myself always positive, especially in tough and challenging conditions.
15. As our nation's is thirsty for justice I do my best to understand their needs and meet them appropriately.
16. I encourage the spirit of teamwork and commit myself to do whatever it takes to become a reliable member of the team that I work with.
17. When my countrymen communicate their expectations of me, I respond to them positively and friendly as soon as I can.
18. I promise to be courteous and respectful to other people.
19. I walk my talk and live the vision to be a great example for the rest of my countrymen.
20. I hold myself accountable for what I do.
21. I commit myself to fulfil all my promises.
So help me God.
We are striving to make Iran the land of law and liberty, the land of success and opportunity, the land of stability and security, the land of wisdom and rationality, the land of honour and humanity, the land of peace and prosperity, the land of harmony and happiness.
These values are my most important values. They are the criteria that determine my behaviours. They are the foundations of my life.
Sometimes these values may create contradictions within one person. Whenever contradictions arise the most important value that is the liberty must be considered supreme. Liberty is our main value and we have to keep it in mind in whatever we do. Liberty can be best utilised when there is prosperity. Prosperity can be possible when there are stability and security. Stability and security will be only possible if there is rule of law. The rule of law can only be possible if every human being in Iran observes the rules and laws that have been passed by their elected legislative representatives.
Reza Hossein Borr
Baluchistan Peoples Front
Baluchistan United Front
A New vision for Baluchistan, Iran
We are literally bound by nothing, except our thoughts.
We are striving to make Balocistan and Iran the lands of excellence and accomplishments, law and liberty, the land of success and opportunity, the land of stability and security, the land of wisdom and rationality, the land of honour and humanity, the land of peace and prosperity, the land of harmony and happiness thru a democratic, secular and federal system.
We intend to make Iran a land to which everybody wants to belong.
Mission Statement
We are determined to campaign relentlessly to change the present regime, establish democracy, unleash unlimited human potentials and develop huge natural resources to maximize the welfare, well being and security of Iranian people.
Definition of our key values
Everything you see happening to you is the consequence of that which you are.
Iran is what we are and we are what Iran is. Our country is reflected in every one of us and every one of us reflects one part of our land. Iran has made us what we are and we have made Iran what it is. We as Iranians have produced Iran as it is.
Iran as it is, is in the most undesirable state and therefore, the Iranians are in the most undesirable states. Every where you look you can see poverty, discrimination, bloodshed, violence, prostitution, drug addiction, crime, revenge, humiliation, conspiracy and misery. All these things have been produced by us as Iranians and as Iranians, we must commit ourselves to eradicate them and replace the values and principles that are suggested in this vision.
All these things have happened to us because of what we are and who we are. If we want better things to happen to us, we have to change what we are and who we are. These miseries will continue to happen to us until we decide vigorously to change what we are and who we are. The first condition for changing what we are is to decide that we don't want to be what we are.
To change what we are and who we are, we have to adopt new principles and values that rebuild and remould our composition and make-up. When these values and principles are adapted and integrated in our beings, would we be able to attract new great and excellent achievements.
Remember We Are Conditioned To Believe That these are Impossible but the Japanese applied them in their lives and they became the second greatest economy in the world; the Chinese, Indians, the South Koreans and Taiwanese also applied them in their lives, in their systems, in their cultures and in their governments and now they are enjoying a high level of prosperity, peace, security and stability.
As Benjamin Disraeli, the former British Prime Minister said, "Nurture your mind with great thoughts for you will never go any higher than you think."
Excellence is about achieving the best. It is a state of mind in which your thoughts, your talks and your behaviours and actions generate excellent outcomes within your abilities. Your abilities are unlimited and therefore, the quality of your excellence is also unlimited too. You have achieved excellence when other people, as judges, look at what you have done and say, "well done, it couldn't have been done better." The process of generating this state of excellence in your mind and in your life begins at looking at those whose state of excellence have generated extra- ordinary achievements.
It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.
Accomplishment is about focusing on performance. Great accomplishments are the products of peak performance. Whatever you do must be accomplished well and exceed expectations. I know that the greatness of my nation, my people and my country depends on me. I commit myself to think big, plan well and set great goals in order to accomplish great tasks.
In order to communicate a common understanding to everybody who is interested in this vision we define the key words in the following terms.
Law means rules and regulations and acts passed by the Iranian parliament, international agencies and UN. The new Iranian constitution shall be compatible with the United Nations charters and its conventions. These laws will define the relationship between citizens. All citizens have equal rights. Nobody is above law and the rule of the law is the supreme value of the nation.
I commit myself to observe all the laws, rules and regulations of the nation. I guarantee that the new constitution and the new laws are observed and carried out by all institutions of the state.
My family and I are equal to every other citizen in the eyes of the constitution. I pledge that my family will not expect any favourable treatment.
Liberty means freedom.
Liberty is the state of being free within the society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behaviour and political views. It also means the power or scope to act as one pleases and pursues his or her own interests and preferences. Freedom is my highest political value.
Our country has been in the search of liberty for many decades. I would strive to institutionalise this value to make sure that liberty will become an integral part of Iranian Society. I will do my best to establish liberty in my country and encourage everybody else to accept it and apply it in their lives and fight for it if the need arises.
Liberty must be considered as the highest political value in Iran and shall be defended by every single Iranian.
Liberty also means the freedom of press, political parties, social and cultural societies and institution, freedom of elections, freedom of religion, opinions and freedom of choice.
I shall strive to guarantee these freedoms, as they are known in India, Western Europe and USA.
Success means the accomplishment of an aim or objective. Our land must be the land of accomplishments and achievements by all Iranians.
A country is measured by its collective achievement and therefore, our country shall be measured by the collective accomplishments of all Iranians. It is the collective success of all Iranians that guarantees prosperity for all.
I would strive to create conditions in Iran in which success becomes available to all. I will do my best to prevent political, social, cultural, economic, ethnic, and religious discrimination.
I will fight against discrimination of any kind and I would invite all Iranians to unleash their best potentials to achieve the best for themselves and for their country.
Opportunity means a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something or achieve something.
Other land must be the land of opportunity is for all citizens regardless of their colour, religion, race and background.
I shall strive to create such circumstances in which achieving an objective becomes available to all Iranians.
I will guarantee that they will be the quality of opportunity for all. No discrimination shall be accepted by anybody.
Stability must be considered as the most important social value of our country. Stability means smooth running of the affair and peaceful evolution of developments.
Our people need to plan for short and long-term visions and objectives. Our governments need to plan in stable conditions to ensure the continuity. Only stability can ensure the implementation and realisation of our other values and therefore, stability must be given top priority when we formulate rules, regulations, constitution and long-term planning.
I shall strive to promote stability as one of my major value in myself and in the whole country. I'd invite all Iranians to contribute to the stability of the country after a democratic government and system has been established in Iran.
Security means being free from any threat and danger that may be inflicted by governmental institutions and individual intrusions.
Security is the most important psychological demand of Iranian people. They have felt insecure for more than two decades now.
I guarantee to establish security for all Iranians regardless of their political, religious, social and racial backgrounds. I understand the importance of security for the well-being of Iranian people. Without security political freedom, economic progress, social stability and peace of mind will not be achieved and our objectives and visions will not be realised, and therefore, I urge all Iranians to fight anybody and any institution that may undermine the security of our nation, our country, and our citizens.
Wisdom means the collective knowledge and principles that have been developed within Iranian Society on the basis of sound actions, reasonable judgments and constructive decisions.
I shall strive to promote wisdom as it is defined here. I shall encourage all Iranian people to embrace sound actions, reasonable judgments and constructive decisions. In the age of wisdom and technology we need a new understanding of our culture and our world so that we constructively engage in national, regional and international affairs.
Rationality means a way of thinking which is based on reason and logic. It is to enable the person to think clearly, sensibly and logically.
Our nation needs to rethink rationally her way of perceiving internal and external interactions. This perception shall be based on logic, reason and wisdom. Only a rational way of perception can bring a new productive approach towards our culture and value was.
I shall strive to construct a rational approach and I shall strive to encourage all Iranian people to build their principles and value systems on rational understandings.
Honour means high respect and esteem for oneself and for other people. It is a set of principles that defines the relationship among all citizens. Honour means distinguishing between right and wrong and adhering to the right principles.
I shall strive to honour all my promises and endeavour to fight against the wrongdoings of all citizens and institutions. I shall encourage all my fellow countrymen to treat each other with honour and respect.
Our individual and collective honour has been deeply damaged during the last few decades and therefore, we shall do our best to restore our honour, dignity, respect and positive and productive values.
Humanity means respecting human beings and principles of peaceful c0-existence among different human beings. Humanity means believing in human rights, human principles, and equality of opportunity and treatment for all human beings.
As a human being I shall strive to promote human rights in Iranian Society and endeavour to fight against any institution or anybody who may violate human rights.
In this regard I shall promise that I want everything for other people that I want for myself and for my family and I shall treat every human being with equal fairness.
Peace means being free from disturbance, war, violence and violent conflicts. It also means tranquillity, mutual understanding and agree to disagree peacefully on different issues.
Our nation and people have suffered too much from unnecessary conflicts, wars and violence of this century.
I understand that the peace of our nation has been undermined by continuous wars and violence imposed by the present regime on our people. I understand that all resources our nation has been wasted by these wars and conflicts. I understand that the violent regime of the Islamic Republic has inflicted unbearable blows to the heart and mind of our people and therefore I shall strive to bring peace in our country.
I shall endeavour to encourage all my countrymen to resolve their problems peacefully through dialogue and negotiations. When it is impossible to resolve the disputes through dialogue and negotiations the law will rule and say the last word.
Prosperity for all
Prosperity means being financially successful, and growing strong and healthy. Prosperity means providing material success for all Iranians in a way that everybody in our land shall have a decent life, enjoying free education and free health.
Prosperity means providing for those who cannot provide for themselves and giving the opportunity to everybody to maximise his material gains and satisfy his initial needs.
I will strive to promote a government that creates all the right conditions for the citizens to grow as much as they can and create as much wealth as they can legally and morally.
I will strive to promote social justice and endeavour to gradually establish a welfare state in which every citizen enjoys equal treatment and equal opportunity.
Happiness is a state of mind in which people enjoy life and exercise their our will to follow their own interests.
I understand that happiness is the most wanted value in our Society and therefore, I will strive to contribute effectively in the creation of a culture in which everybody values happiness and joy.
I realise that our nation has been denied the basic pleasures of life and freedom of choice. And therefore, I shall promote the idea of happiness in different forms and shapes and encourage my countrymen to go for positive and optimistic thinking.
I understand that our nation has been under tremendous pressure to abandon our old traditions for festival, music, dancing, social gatherings and hobbies.
I shall strive to promote any activity that brings happiness and joy to our people.
Harmony means social cohesion, cultural understanding, and alignment. Harmony also means working in teams and groups with the spirit of cooperation and coordination in order to bring economic prosperity and social stability.
I shall strive to harmonise different sections of Iranian people and prevent destructive conflicts and disruptions. I will encourage my fellow countrymen to promote harmony and prevent conflicts.
I promise to honour all these values and promote them at all times and defend them with my life.
I pledged that I do my best to create the best conditions for the Iranian people so that they attain a high level of prosperity, peace and happiness.
Guiding lights
To make sure that all Iranians promote these values I suggest the following guiding lights to define the terms of the contracts between different people, people and governments and different institutions.
The Guiding Lights of our organisation
I. I commit myself to promote openness within my life and my society.
2. I am determined to reward honesty.
3. I commit myself to reward somebody who is doing a job better-than-expected and completing it sooner than expected.
4. I commit myself to treat people equally regardless of their race, colour and gender.
5. I promise to listen to other people carefully and respect their views.
6. I care for other people the way I want to be taken care of.
7. Feedback is the break fast of champions. I welcome it, as I know it is going to enhance my own performance as well as the performance of other people.
8. I communicate my expectations to my colleagues and request solutions.
9. As a member of my Society I share my views with others and a expect others to share their views with me.
10. I share my knowledge with others and expect others to share their knowledge with me.
11. I am making myself approachable so that other people have the opportunity to communicate with me effectively.
12. I always ask myself, " Is there a better way of doing this?"
13. I always look for the best practice.
14. I keep myself always positive, especially in tough and challenging conditions.
15. As our nation's is thirsty for justice I do my best to understand their needs and meet them appropriately.
16. I encourage the spirit of teamwork and commit myself to do whatever it takes to become a reliable member of the team that I work with.
17. When my countrymen communicate their expectations of me, I respond to them positively and friendly as soon as I can.
18. I promise to be courteous and respectful to other people.
19. I walk my talk and live the vision to be a great example for the rest of my countrymen.
20. I hold myself accountable for what I do.
21. I commit myself to fulfil all my promises.
So help me God.
We are striving to make Iran the land of law and liberty, the land of success and opportunity, the land of stability and security, the land of wisdom and rationality, the land of honour and humanity, the land of peace and prosperity, the land of harmony and happiness.
These values are my most important values. They are the criteria that determine my behaviours. They are the foundations of my life.
Sometimes these values may create contradictions within one person. Whenever contradictions arise the most important value that is the liberty must be considered supreme. Liberty is our main value and we have to keep it in mind in whatever we do. Liberty can be best utilised when there is prosperity. Prosperity can be possible when there are stability and security. Stability and security will be only possible if there is rule of law. The rule of law can only be possible if every human being in Iran observes the rules and laws that have been passed by their elected legislative representatives.
Reza Hossein Borr
Monday, 4 December 2006
Iran is the final winner in the Middle East
Balochistan Peoples Front
Reza Hossein Borr
Iran is the final winner in the Middle East
Winning partly depends on how much strength or force you have, but mostly it depends on how much strength or power your opponent does not have. It is also true that resources, equipments and number of troops are not the only factors of winning a war. The wars are mostly won or lost because of tactics and strategies used in the war. Conduct of the war is more important than every other single factor that is required to knock down the opponent.
When the Americans decided to remove the Taleban from Afghanistan the main winner was Iran. The United States of America and its allies used their resources and armies to remove the Taleban, the main enemies of Iran, and bring in power the main allies of Iran. Iran became the winner of Afghanistan's civil wars and turmoil before and after Taleban at the cost of US. The Iranian regime supported nominally the new government of Afghanistan headed by Karzai but secretively assisted financially and militarily Taleban, Hekmatyar and many Islamic militants in Afghanistan. A democratic, successful, stable Afghanistan cannot be in favour and interests of the Iranian regime. A failed state with warring factions that destroy their country and each other is in the best interests of the Iranian regime; not a stable, successful and peaceful Afghanistan.
Whatever the situation in Afghanistan, Iran is the winner of Afghan civil wars. Iran understands that it needs to be needed by other people and countries; therefore it will be needed more when the people and countries fight each other. Stable and peaceful countries do not need Iran.
Iran was also the winner of the change of regime in Iraq. The United States of America invested about $300 million dollars to remove Saddam Hussein and bring into power the main allies and in fact, the agents of Iranian regime. Iran had fought for eight years with Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein and bring into power the same groups that America brought to power. What a better win than this? One of your enemies overthrows another of your enemies and gives the power to your friends.
A successful, stable and democratic Iraq is not definitely in the interest of Iranian regime which is a totalitarian, fundamentalist regime. A secular system in Iraq is against the totality of Iranian regime and must never be successful in that country. However when it came to the change of regime in Iraq, the Iranian government fully co-operated with the Americans and other countries. They had already prepared an alternative while the Americans did not have an alternative for Saddam.
Now it has been established that Iran has more power and influence in Iraq than any other country. The big question is how Iran can have more influence in Iraq while America has more than 100,000 troops and Britain about 15,000 troops in Iraq? The increase of influence of Iranian regime in Iraq is something that has confused a lot of analysts and politicians.
How Iran becomes the winner of any war that America undertakes?
And now it is Lebanon. The winner of Lebanese change of regime or civil war will be definitely Iran. The Hezbollah of Lebanon is an exact copy of Hezbollah of Iran. It has been formed, led and financed by Iran. This has been well established by reliable sources. Now, how Iran will be the winner in Lebanon?
First of all the Hezbollah is not looking for the change of government but it is looking for the change of regime. The Hezbollah is seeking to change the political structure. It is seeking to establish a new regime which is totally dominated by the Iranian ideology of an Islamic state although there are different religious over there. The structure of the future regime will be a revolutionary structure that will enable Hezbollah to engage in ethnic cleansing and forcing the Sunnis and a large number of Christians to leave Lebanon for other countries.
Aljazeera English Channel reported that there are 1.8 million refugees from Iraq. It is not yet established what percentage of these refugees are Shias or Sunnis. But it is clear that the majority of these refugees must be Sunnis. So how Iran will benefit from producing Sunni refugees? The first benefit is that the Shias will have more majorities in Iraq and the number of the Sunnis will be substantially reduced. The second benefit comes from the Shia refugees in the Arab world that will be used later by the Iranian government to act as their agents wherever they are.
The new waves of refugees that will be generated in Lebanon will serve the same purpose. As the civil war develops and widens a large number of Christians will leave their country and take refuge in European countries. The Sunnis of Lebanon would migrate to Arab countries. The Iranian regime will force Hezbollah of Lebanon to continue the civil war until there is a clear majority of Shias in the country. When the Hezbollah forms the new regime, it will be very easy for them to import Iraqi Shias, Iranian Shias and other Shias from other countries and give them Lebanese identity card to generate a viable majority.
Now the big question is how Iran has won in Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon?
The Iranian regime has a very clever and complicated strategy of convergence of interests with its enemies. The Iranian regime has been able to clearly understand the interests of the United States of America in Afghanistan and Iraq and change its own interests to become very compatible with the interests of the West. It is the convergence of interests of Iran and US that has enabled the Iranian government to win in Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran has achieved its interests and outcomes through American wars and resources.
Iran has been the only winner of American wars.
It will be the same in Lebanon. If the Arab governments maintain their present inaction policies and wait for America or the West to save the Lebanese government, they will make a deadly mistake and will enable Iran to be the winner again. It is not the strength and the force of Iran that has made it the winner in these countries, but rather it has been the inability of the West and Arab world in realising and understanding the secret agenda and intentions of the Iranian government that have been disguised in the interests of the Arabs and the West.
The Iranian regime has been able not only to use the Western values, monies, armies and resources to achieve its own gaols but it has been able to use all Western resource against them.
Reza Hossein Borr is a leadership consultant and the creator of 150 CDs.
He is also the author of Manual Success, Manual of Coaching and Mentoring, Motivational Stories that Can Change Your Life, and a New Vision for the Islamic World. He can be contacted by email: balochfront@aol.com
©Copyright, 2006, London, UK
Reza Hossein Borr
Iran is the final winner in the Middle East
Winning partly depends on how much strength or force you have, but mostly it depends on how much strength or power your opponent does not have. It is also true that resources, equipments and number of troops are not the only factors of winning a war. The wars are mostly won or lost because of tactics and strategies used in the war. Conduct of the war is more important than every other single factor that is required to knock down the opponent.
When the Americans decided to remove the Taleban from Afghanistan the main winner was Iran. The United States of America and its allies used their resources and armies to remove the Taleban, the main enemies of Iran, and bring in power the main allies of Iran. Iran became the winner of Afghanistan's civil wars and turmoil before and after Taleban at the cost of US. The Iranian regime supported nominally the new government of Afghanistan headed by Karzai but secretively assisted financially and militarily Taleban, Hekmatyar and many Islamic militants in Afghanistan. A democratic, successful, stable Afghanistan cannot be in favour and interests of the Iranian regime. A failed state with warring factions that destroy their country and each other is in the best interests of the Iranian regime; not a stable, successful and peaceful Afghanistan.
Whatever the situation in Afghanistan, Iran is the winner of Afghan civil wars. Iran understands that it needs to be needed by other people and countries; therefore it will be needed more when the people and countries fight each other. Stable and peaceful countries do not need Iran.
Iran was also the winner of the change of regime in Iraq. The United States of America invested about $300 million dollars to remove Saddam Hussein and bring into power the main allies and in fact, the agents of Iranian regime. Iran had fought for eight years with Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein and bring into power the same groups that America brought to power. What a better win than this? One of your enemies overthrows another of your enemies and gives the power to your friends.
A successful, stable and democratic Iraq is not definitely in the interest of Iranian regime which is a totalitarian, fundamentalist regime. A secular system in Iraq is against the totality of Iranian regime and must never be successful in that country. However when it came to the change of regime in Iraq, the Iranian government fully co-operated with the Americans and other countries. They had already prepared an alternative while the Americans did not have an alternative for Saddam.
Now it has been established that Iran has more power and influence in Iraq than any other country. The big question is how Iran can have more influence in Iraq while America has more than 100,000 troops and Britain about 15,000 troops in Iraq? The increase of influence of Iranian regime in Iraq is something that has confused a lot of analysts and politicians.
How Iran becomes the winner of any war that America undertakes?
And now it is Lebanon. The winner of Lebanese change of regime or civil war will be definitely Iran. The Hezbollah of Lebanon is an exact copy of Hezbollah of Iran. It has been formed, led and financed by Iran. This has been well established by reliable sources. Now, how Iran will be the winner in Lebanon?
First of all the Hezbollah is not looking for the change of government but it is looking for the change of regime. The Hezbollah is seeking to change the political structure. It is seeking to establish a new regime which is totally dominated by the Iranian ideology of an Islamic state although there are different religious over there. The structure of the future regime will be a revolutionary structure that will enable Hezbollah to engage in ethnic cleansing and forcing the Sunnis and a large number of Christians to leave Lebanon for other countries.
Aljazeera English Channel reported that there are 1.8 million refugees from Iraq. It is not yet established what percentage of these refugees are Shias or Sunnis. But it is clear that the majority of these refugees must be Sunnis. So how Iran will benefit from producing Sunni refugees? The first benefit is that the Shias will have more majorities in Iraq and the number of the Sunnis will be substantially reduced. The second benefit comes from the Shia refugees in the Arab world that will be used later by the Iranian government to act as their agents wherever they are.
The new waves of refugees that will be generated in Lebanon will serve the same purpose. As the civil war develops and widens a large number of Christians will leave their country and take refuge in European countries. The Sunnis of Lebanon would migrate to Arab countries. The Iranian regime will force Hezbollah of Lebanon to continue the civil war until there is a clear majority of Shias in the country. When the Hezbollah forms the new regime, it will be very easy for them to import Iraqi Shias, Iranian Shias and other Shias from other countries and give them Lebanese identity card to generate a viable majority.
Now the big question is how Iran has won in Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon?
The Iranian regime has a very clever and complicated strategy of convergence of interests with its enemies. The Iranian regime has been able to clearly understand the interests of the United States of America in Afghanistan and Iraq and change its own interests to become very compatible with the interests of the West. It is the convergence of interests of Iran and US that has enabled the Iranian government to win in Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran has achieved its interests and outcomes through American wars and resources.
Iran has been the only winner of American wars.
It will be the same in Lebanon. If the Arab governments maintain their present inaction policies and wait for America or the West to save the Lebanese government, they will make a deadly mistake and will enable Iran to be the winner again. It is not the strength and the force of Iran that has made it the winner in these countries, but rather it has been the inability of the West and Arab world in realising and understanding the secret agenda and intentions of the Iranian government that have been disguised in the interests of the Arabs and the West.
The Iranian regime has been able not only to use the Western values, monies, armies and resources to achieve its own gaols but it has been able to use all Western resource against them.
Reza Hossein Borr is a leadership consultant and the creator of 150 CDs.
He is also the author of Manual Success, Manual of Coaching and Mentoring, Motivational Stories that Can Change Your Life, and a New Vision for the Islamic World. He can be contacted by email: balochfront@aol.com
©Copyright, 2006, London, UK
Friday, 1 December 2006
اعلاامیه جبهه مردم بلوچستان
اعلاامیه جبهه مردم بلوچستان
بدینوسیله اعلام میشود که جبهه مردم بلوچستان بجای جبهه متحد بلوچستان فعالیت خود را اغاز مینماید. جبهه مردم بلوچستان ادامه دهنده تلاش های پیشین ماست و همان اصول و هدفهارا دنبال میکند.کلیه تعهدات جبهه متحد بلوچستان به جبهه مردم بلوچستان واگذار میشود. امیدواریم که بتوانیم با استفاده از تجربیات گذشته گامهای موثرتری را برای رسیدن به هدفهایمان برداریم.
جبهه مردم بلوچستان
Unity government in Lebanon
Balochistan People’s Front
Reza Hosseinbor
Unity government in Lebanon
How about unity governments in Syria and Iran?
The Hezbollah-led rally in Lebanon is seeking to overthrow the present government which has been elected fairly and freely according to the constitution of Lebanon. Hezbollah claims it wants to bring in a unity government. Since the independence of Lebanon the structure of power has been based on ethnic power-sharing. Each major ethnic group has been allocated a top position according to the population of each ethnic gfoup.
The post of the president of Lebanon has been allocated to the Christians. The job of Prime Minister has been allocated to the Sunnis and the job of the speaker of the parliament has been allocated to the Shias. These arrangements have been made by the constitution of Lebanon and create a power-sharing structure which brings in power all different ethnic groups.
The Hezbollah of Lebanon that is claiming the leadership of majority of the Shias in Lebanon has been very satisfied with this arrangement for all its history. After its perceived victory in war with Israel it accumulated sufficient self-confidence through the support it got from Iran and Syria. It initially claimed a larger share in the government. After the assassination of Pierre Jamayel by Iranian and Syrian terrorist groups, the Hezbollah became even more confident as there was no any concrete and tangible counter actions by the Lebanese, Arab governments, and international community.
The Hezbollah in fact became stronger and bolder after a series of assassinations that were carried out against the critics of Syria and Iran. The Hezbollah and the Shias, Syria and Iran did not face any major problems even though everybody believes that they were behind all these assassinations. Iran and Syria were not only punished for killing so many of Lebanon's leaders, but they appeared stronger in the eyes of Arab masses, United States and Europe Union. Iran and Syria established themselves as the major political players in the Middle East through sponsoring terrorism, assassinating their opponents, promoting fundamentalism and generating a Civil War in Iraq.
They used these evil acts and legitimised them so well that turned them in to main powers of the region.
Iranian clerics always had this ability of turning sins into virtues and virtues into sins. This strategy was used and mastered first in Iran when the regime legitimised and justified every sin they committed, every sin that had been recognised as a sin. To legitimise their immoral and corrupt behaviours, the Iranian Ayatollahs disguised their sins into virtues and promoted their behaviours as a model of righteousness. The Iranian people consequently followed these behaviours and gradually all old established and recognised moral, religious, humanitarian, social, political, and cultural values and norms were completely demolished and a new set of corrupt behaviours and norms were generated and introduced into society as the new governmental values.
Validating sins became so rampant in Iran that the grandson of Khomeini announced that today in Iran there was no any difference between sin and virtue, bad and good. He added that 30 and 40 years ago it was clear in the mind of the people what was sin and what was virtue. Everybody who committed a sin accepted that he had committed a sin and therefore he felt guilty; but today there is no sense of guilt in anybody for committing any sin and everybody justifies every sin and legitimise them.
The extent of the elimination of recognised values and virtues have gone so far that today everybody agrees that there is no any read line in Iran and therefore, people feel free to do what they want without feeling guilty and having a disturbing consciences.
The Iranian regime exported the same model of behaviour and culture to all Shia communities all over the world. Seeking power and promoting Shia supremacy is the ultimate goal that could be justified by any means.
Today what we see in Lebanon is the manifestation of the Iranian model of culture, religion and political behaviour. They use the best words and phrases to justify their worst claims and actions. The Hezbollah despises the Lebanese government for being backed by the Western world while justifies its own creation and funding by the Iranian government. It blames Lebanese government for having the moral support of the Arab world but it is proud and proudly legitimatise its terrorist activities and illegal behaviour.
When it comes to the unity government, everybody thinks of a concept which is legitimate and good but what the Hezbollah means is a government that is dominated by its own ministers. The Hezbollah initially claimed their fair share in the government but after its acts of assassinations in Lebanon were rewarded, now it is claiming the ownership of whole Lebanon.
The amazing thing is that the governments of Syria and Iran are supporting Hezbollah in its claim for a unity government while the governments of Iran and Syria are minority governments in both countries. The Syrian rulers who are just about 1% of the population of Syria have ruled this country for nearly 40 years. They are allocating all political and economic powers to their small minority population.
The government of Iran represents the Farsi speaking population which are about 30% of Iranian population in terms of ethnic groups; although the majority of the Farsi speaking ethnic group in Iran have not supported this regime but if we accept they do as the Iranian regime claims, we can say that it represents only the Farsi speaking community. 70% of Iranian population are of Turkish, Kurdish, Arab, Baloch, and Turkmen origins. None of them support the present government and none of them have any real representation in the present government.
The idea of unity government is an admirable idea that it must be accepted and implemented in Syria and Iran first. Those who claim the legitimacy of a concept must implement it first. If such a government is established in Syria and in Iran we will clearly see that none of the present governments or the present members of the governments would have any share in the unity government. They will be also responsible for criminal activities that they have conducted against the majority of the people they have ruled for several decades so ruthlessly.
It seems today that the Iranian regime and the Shia population of the Middle East are using the global and universal values to claim more share in powers of the governments while rejecting global and universal values when it comes to the political involvement of Sunnis in the governments of Iran and Syria.
Iran was called as part of axis of evil because of evil deeds like sponsoring terrorism, promoting fundamentalism, assassinating opponents and corrupting its political system. Now the world must not reward it for these evil deeds that have made %60 of Iranians live under poverty line and turning the region in four civil wars in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and Bahrain.
®Copyright, Reza Hosseinbor, London, UK, 1.12.06
Balochistan People’s Front
Reza Hosseinbor
Unity government in Lebanon
How about unity governments in Syria and Iran?
The Hezbollah-led rally in Lebanon is seeking to overthrow the present government which has been elected fairly and freely according to the constitution of Lebanon. Hezbollah claims it wants to bring in a unity government. Since the independence of Lebanon the structure of power has been based on ethnic power-sharing. Each major ethnic group has been allocated a top position according to the population of each ethnic gfoup.
The post of the president of Lebanon has been allocated to the Christians. The job of Prime Minister has been allocated to the Sunnis and the job of the speaker of the parliament has been allocated to the Shias. These arrangements have been made by the constitution of Lebanon and create a power-sharing structure which brings in power all different ethnic groups.
The Hezbollah of Lebanon that is claiming the leadership of majority of the Shias in Lebanon has been very satisfied with this arrangement for all its history. After its perceived victory in war with Israel it accumulated sufficient self-confidence through the support it got from Iran and Syria. It initially claimed a larger share in the government. After the assassination of Pierre Jamayel by Iranian and Syrian terrorist groups, the Hezbollah became even more confident as there was no any concrete and tangible counter actions by the Lebanese, Arab governments, and international community.
The Hezbollah in fact became stronger and bolder after a series of assassinations that were carried out against the critics of Syria and Iran. The Hezbollah and the Shias, Syria and Iran did not face any major problems even though everybody believes that they were behind all these assassinations. Iran and Syria were not only punished for killing so many of Lebanon's leaders, but they appeared stronger in the eyes of Arab masses, United States and Europe Union. Iran and Syria established themselves as the major political players in the Middle East through sponsoring terrorism, assassinating their opponents, promoting fundamentalism and generating a Civil War in Iraq.
They used these evil acts and legitimised them so well that turned them in to main powers of the region.
Iranian clerics always had this ability of turning sins into virtues and virtues into sins. This strategy was used and mastered first in Iran when the regime legitimised and justified every sin they committed, every sin that had been recognised as a sin. To legitimise their immoral and corrupt behaviours, the Iranian Ayatollahs disguised their sins into virtues and promoted their behaviours as a model of righteousness. The Iranian people consequently followed these behaviours and gradually all old established and recognised moral, religious, humanitarian, social, political, and cultural values and norms were completely demolished and a new set of corrupt behaviours and norms were generated and introduced into society as the new governmental values.
Validating sins became so rampant in Iran that the grandson of Khomeini announced that today in Iran there was no any difference between sin and virtue, bad and good. He added that 30 and 40 years ago it was clear in the mind of the people what was sin and what was virtue. Everybody who committed a sin accepted that he had committed a sin and therefore he felt guilty; but today there is no sense of guilt in anybody for committing any sin and everybody justifies every sin and legitimise them.
The extent of the elimination of recognised values and virtues have gone so far that today everybody agrees that there is no any read line in Iran and therefore, people feel free to do what they want without feeling guilty and having a disturbing consciences.
The Iranian regime exported the same model of behaviour and culture to all Shia communities all over the world. Seeking power and promoting Shia supremacy is the ultimate goal that could be justified by any means.
Today what we see in Lebanon is the manifestation of the Iranian model of culture, religion and political behaviour. They use the best words and phrases to justify their worst claims and actions. The Hezbollah despises the Lebanese government for being backed by the Western world while justifies its own creation and funding by the Iranian government. It blames Lebanese government for having the moral support of the Arab world but it is proud and proudly legitimatise its terrorist activities and illegal behaviour.
When it comes to the unity government, everybody thinks of a concept which is legitimate and good but what the Hezbollah means is a government that is dominated by its own ministers. The Hezbollah initially claimed their fair share in the government but after its acts of assassinations in Lebanon were rewarded, now it is claiming the ownership of whole Lebanon.
The amazing thing is that the governments of Syria and Iran are supporting Hezbollah in its claim for a unity government while the governments of Iran and Syria are minority governments in both countries. The Syrian rulers who are just about 1% of the population of Syria have ruled this country for nearly 40 years. They are allocating all political and economic powers to their small minority population.
The government of Iran represents the Farsi speaking population which are about 30% of Iranian population in terms of ethnic groups; although the majority of the Farsi speaking ethnic group in Iran have not supported this regime but if we accept they do as the Iranian regime claims, we can say that it represents only the Farsi speaking community. 70% of Iranian population are of Turkish, Kurdish, Arab, Baloch, and Turkmen origins. None of them support the present government and none of them have any real representation in the present government.
The idea of unity government is an admirable idea that it must be accepted and implemented in Syria and Iran first. Those who claim the legitimacy of a concept must implement it first. If such a government is established in Syria and in Iran we will clearly see that none of the present governments or the present members of the governments would have any share in the unity government. They will be also responsible for criminal activities that they have conducted against the majority of the people they have ruled for several decades so ruthlessly.
It seems today that the Iranian regime and the Shia population of the Middle East are using the global and universal values to claim more share in powers of the governments while rejecting global and universal values when it comes to the political involvement of Sunnis in the governments of Iran and Syria.
Iran was called as part of axis of evil because of evil deeds like sponsoring terrorism, promoting fundamentalism, assassinating opponents and corrupting its political system. Now the world must not reward it for these evil deeds that have made %60 of Iranians live under poverty line and turning the region in four civil wars in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and Bahrain.
®Copyright, Reza Hosseinbor, London, UK, 1.12.06
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