Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Congress of Iranian Nationalites, Charter

اساسنامه "گنگره ملّّّّّیتهای ایران فدرال"( باز نگرى شده در مجمع عمومى ماه مئى 2006 )


ایران کشوری است چند ملّیتی با قومیّتھای مختلف کہ ھمہ آنان حقّ دارند بطور مساوی در امر اداره کشور شریک باشند٬ حقی که تا کنون از آنها سلب شده است.
"کنگره ملّیتهای ایران فدرال" بر این باور است که مشروعیت سیاسی هرحاکمیّتی ،همواره از اعمال اراده مردم سر چشمه می گیرد۔
اراده ملیّت های مختلف و رعایت حقوق برابر آنان تحت هیچ شرایطی نباید مورد اغماض و استثناء قرارگیرد.
بر قراری نظام جمهوری فدرال پایبند بہ اصول دموکراسی بر اساس معیارهای ملی و جغرافیایی،تنها مکانیسم سیاسی قابل دوام بمنظور اعمال اراده سیاسی همه ملیتها در چارچوب ایرانی آزاد خواهد بود.

اصول کلّی

ماده 1- نام این تشکل "کنگره ملّیتهای ایران فدرال" است کہ در این اساسنامہ از آن بعنوان کنگرہ یاد خواھد شد۔

ماده 2- کنگره ضمن تاکید بر روشهای صلح آمیز از همه شیوه های مبارزاتی برای سر نگونی جمهوری اسلامی و رسیدن به اهداف خود استفاده خواهد کرد.
ماده 3- هیئت موسسین کنگره کہ امضاء کنندگان "سند لندن" بتاریخ بیستم فوریه 2005 ھستند، عبارتند از:

1. جبهه متحد بلوچستان- ایران
2. جنبش فدرال دمکرات آذربایجان
3. حزب دمکرات کردستان ایران
4. حزب مردم بلوچستان
5. حزب همبستگی دمکراتیک اهواز
6. سازمان دفاع از حقوق ملى خلق ترکمن
7. کومله- سازمان انقلابی زحمتکشان کردستان ایران

ماده 4- کنگره در چارچوب اهداف اعلان شده خود در جهت اتحاد عمل و ایجاد ائتلافی وسیعتر با سایر نیروهای دمکرات و آزادیخواه اپوزیسیون ایران خواهد کوشید.
ماده 5- پس از سرنگونی رژیم جمهوری اسلامی و تحقق نظام جمهوری فدرال در ایران موجودیت کنگره بمثابہ نیروی پیشبرنده اهداف خود حفظ و به فعالیت ادامه خواهد داد.

شرایط عضویّت و حقوق اعضاء

ماده 6- همه احزاب، سازمانها و گروهای سیاسی ملیتهای ایران به عضویت کنگرہ پذیرفته میشوند بشرطیکہ:

الف- اصول پایه ای اعلان شده، اساسنامه کنگره و مصوبات مجمع عمومی را بپذیرند.
ب- وابسته به جمهوری اسلامی نباشند.
ج- در مورد پذیرش اعضای جدید، شوراى مرکزى تصمیم می گیرد. در صورت هرگونه اعتراض کاندید، تصمیم نھایی به مجمع عمومی ارجاع میشود.
د- تعهد مالی به نسبت وضعیت خود بپذیرد.

ماده 7- اعضای کنگرہ ضمن پایبندی و تعهد نسبت به اصول پایه ای و
پرنسیبهای کنگره، استقلال سیاسی و تشکیلاتی خود را حفظ خواهند نمود.
ماده 8- هر یک از اعضاء حقوقی کنگره میتوانند عضویت اتحادیه های دیگر را بشرطی که ماهیت فعالیت آنها بر خلاف اهداف کنگره نباشد بپذیرند.

ماده 9- در مجمع عمومی هر تشکل سیاسی عضو، فقط یک رای دارد.

ماده 10- مصوبات کنگره و تصمیمات هئیت اجرایی باید بطور کتبی به اطلاع همه اعضاء برسد.

ماده 11 - کنگره از عضو یا اعضایی سلب عضویت خواهد نمود که:

الف- وارد اتحادیه ای شده باشد که بر خلاف اهداف کنگره عمل کند.
ب- اطلاعات داخلی کنگره را افشاء کرده باشد.
ج- به تعهد مالی خود عمل نکند
د- بدون عذر موجه در جلسات کنگره شرکت نکند.

ارگانهای کنگره

1. مجمع عمومی
2. شوراى مرکزى
.3 هئیت اجرایی

ماده 12- مجمع عمومی

الف- مجمع عمومی بالاترین ارگان کنگره است.
ب- تصمیمات با رآی اکثریت (نصف بعلاوہ یک) نمایندگان حاضر به
تصویب می رسد.
ج- برای تغییر مواد اساسنامه احراز 75% آراء نمایندگان حاضر
ضروری است.

تبصره1: در صورت تعارض مصوبه پایه ای مجمع عمومی با اساسنامه یکی از اعضای کنگره، آن عضو ملزم به اجرای آن نیست.
د- جلسات مجمع عمومی با حضور دوسوم اعضاء رسمیت می یابد.
ه- مجمع عمومی از میان احزاب، سازمانها و گروهای سیاسی عضو کنگره يک نماينده از ھر عضو را بعنوان عضو شوراى مرکزى انتخاب می کند.
و- اجلاس سالانه مجمع عمومی از طرف هئیت اجرایی فرا خوانده می شود.
تبصره: در صورت تقاضای یک سوم اعضای کنگره، شوراى مرکزى مؤظف است در مدت حداکثر یکماه مجمع عمومی فوق العاده را فرا بخواند.

ماده 13. شوراى مرکزى و ھيئت اجرايى

الف-. شوراى مرکزى منتخب مجمع عمومی است ومسئول پیشبرد و اجرای مصوبات و تصمیمات مجمع عمومی در فاصله بین دو مجمع می باشد.
ب- شوراى مرکزى در مقابل مجمع عمومی مسئول بوده و باید در همه موارد گزارش کارهای خود را به آن عرضه نماید.
ج- شوراى مرکزى از میان خود ۳-۵ نفر را بعنوان ھيئت اجرايى انتخاب می کند.
د - ھيئت اجرايى از ميان خود يکنفر را به عنوان سخنگوى دوره اى کنگره انتخاب ميکند.
ه- هئیت اجرایی جهت پیشبرد و اجرای اهداف کنگره مؤظف به تشکیل کمیته های کاری است. اعضای این کمیته ها بنا به تشخیص هئیت اجرایی از میان اعضای کنگره انتخاب خواهند شد. در صورت لزوم میتواند از اشخاص متخصّص استفاده کند.
و- هئیت اجرایی علاوه بر تشکیل کمیته های تبلیغات، مالی و ارتباطات در صورت لزوم میتواند به تشکیل کمیته های دیگری نیز اقدام نماید.

ماده 14- منابع مالی کنگره
الف- حق عضویت اعضاء
ب- کمکهای مالی دوستان کنگره
ج- عایدات بنیادها و مؤسسات کنگره

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Mass arrests in Balochistan

Balochistan Peoples Front

Mass arrests in Balochistan

London, 21 May 07. Balochistan Peoples Front-- 1479 Baloch have been arrested during the Unity 1 Manoeuvre in Baluchistan and Baluch dominated areas of Kerman, the official Iranian news agency, IRNA reported. The agency quoted the director of Public Relations of Operational Base of Rasool Akram as saying that 156 polluted locations were cleansed and 6 armed men were killed. He added that 174 insurgents and their associates were also arrested.

At the same time there were other reports that dozens of wounded security forces were transferred to different hospitals in Zahedan including Bany Akram hospital. Another report by confirmed that a large number of injured security forces are in critical conditions and the hospital officials have banned the ordinary people from visiting the hospital.

Some witnesses believe the objective of this manoeuvre was to cleanse ethnic Baluch from their ancestral lands under different pretexts. The official who gave the news of the Unity 1 Manoeuvre categorised 1479 Baluch as aggressors. This is a new term that was attributed to some people to justify their eviction from their lands under ethnic cleansing policy of the Iranian government.

Roya Sarani, a 12 year old girl was shot dead by the Iranian security forces in Zahedan on 16 May 07. Her parents were forced to bury her in a quiet manner. They were not allowed to hold a public burial for their daughter. She was gunned down after returning from school to home after sitting her exams.

The People's Resistance Movement of Iran announced that one of their bases in Sarawan was attacked by the Iranian security forces at three o'clock in the morning of 14 May o7. A gun battle was exchanged between the two sides which resulted in the death of 7 revolutionary guards. The security forces were forced to retreat after the local people protested against their presence in the region.

The arrests of 1479 Baluch as aggressors and another 174 as insurgents indicates the Islamic Republic's resolve for relentlessly pursuing ethnic cleansing of Baloch people from their ancestral homelands. The Iranian government announced that 700 Baluch have received their death sentences from the Iranian Supreme Court. After Amnesty International's appeal for help for saving the lives of these people, Iranian regime decided to transfer a large number of the condemned Baluch to different provinces of Iran including Khorasan and Hormozgan. 20 Baluch have been executed in these provinces in the last three weeks, according to the Iranian official news agency, Irna.

Balochistan Peoples Front

Reza Hossein Borr

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Mass executions in Baluchistan by the Islamic Republic of Iran

Dear Mr Dyke
Amnesty International


Mass executions in Baluchistan by the Islamic Republic of Iran

Following the Amnesty International's appeal for saving the lives of 700 Baluch who had received death sentences from the Supreme Court of Iran, the Islamic Republic of Iran decided to transfer the innocent Baluch people to other cities of Iran and execute them without releasing their identities.

The Iranian media reported that one Baluch has been hanged in Bandar Abbas and 15 others have been executed in Mashhad in the last two weeks. Some reliable sources claimed that the 15 hanged men in Mashhad were Baluch and from the 700 people who had already received death sentences from the Supreme Court of Iran.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is transferring to and executing the Baluch people in different cities to conceal its policy of massacre and genocide of Baluch people. The silence of Iranian human rights activists and political parties and figures have helped the Iranian regime tremendously in following the policy of massacre and ethnic cleansing in Baluchistan. International community has been deadly silent on this issue.

Human Rights Watch and American State Department have also excluded the Baluch people's executions from their reports. The American State Department has never reported the plight of the Baluch people fully while they cover in detail the violations of human rights in other provinces of Iran and specifically women and students. This is not surprising as the Americans have always helped the enemies of Baluchistan.

But the amazement is about the Human Rights Watch. This organization has received the reports of the executions but never fully covered the issue. If the human rights organizations do not publish the plight and the executions and the genocide of the Baluch people, who is supposed to help people who cannot help themselves at this phase in their historical journey towards achieving their human rights.

We are seeking the support and help of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, United Nations and all other international organizations to stop Iran from executing innocent people of Baluchistan.

The Iranian regime has followed a systematic policy of discrimination, exclusion, humiliation and ethnic cleansing in Baluchistan since the beginning of the revolution in total secrecy, portraying the Baluch people as murderers, fundamentalists, smugglers, drug traffickers, the agents of America, collaborators with Taleban to justify the mass killing in Baluchistan. Many other organizations and some think tanks have believed the propaganda of the Islamic Republic of Iran against the oppressed and innocent people of Baluchistan and followed the same policy of distortion of the truth and discrediting the Baluch people; not knowing that how much damage they can cause to the reputation of innocent people.

The international organizations and think tanks must report the facts and not speculations; keeping in mind that their false reports can result in the executions of many innocent people in Baluchistan.

Balochistan Peoples Front
Reza Hossein Borr
London, 16 May 07

Thursday, 3 May 2007

The Iranian regime arrests and tortures civil and peaceful campaigners in Baluchistan

Balochistan Peoples Front

1.5.07, London, UK

The Iranian regime arrests and tortures civil and peaceful campaigners in Baluchistan

"One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but cannot be taken away unless it is surrendered." Michael Fox, actor.

Those who are arresting, torturing, hanging, executing and humiliating the Baluch people will never see the day that the Baluch surrender their dignity and rights. Hundreds of rulers have come in the region and tried to force the Baluch to surrender. They never succeeded. All those rulers are gone now and the Baluch people are still here and they will be here until this regime is gone and hundreds of regimes in the future will come and go. The Baluch people are here to stay firm, to stand tall and to star brilliantly in the battlefield that its opponents and enemies have generated. They will go forward and as Ferdowsi has said, "nobody will ever see their back, always facing the enemy head on. Nobody has seen their backs in thousands of years in the battlefield and nobody will see them surrendered in thousands of years to come.

I know that our enemies are strong and ruthless; but I know that we are tough enough to take any blow that may come from any corner. I know that the task ahead requires a lot of power; but there is inside us more power than the task ahead. Our tenacity and resilience have saved us for thousands of years and our resilience and tenacity will save us for as long as this earth continues to exist. Every Baluch must now that he has a will stronger than iron, a mind larger than oceans, a fist tougher than rocks and a pen sharper than swords.

The Baluch enemies must now know that we have already combined all these formidable forces together to campaign vigorously and relentlessly to preserve our identity, retain our dignity and regain our rights and our lands.

What thousands of political activists and campaigners are doing now will continue for years to come until we repossess what is rightly ours. Although thousands of Baluch have been already killed, 700 are waiting on the death row and Yakoub Mehrnehad and his friends are experiencing torture, thousands more are prepared to face the Islamic Republic of Iran today and in any day to come.

The Islamic Republic of Iran and international community often question the Baluch political activists and campaigners that why they were not engaged in civil and peaceful political campaigns and we always explained that the Iranian regime has never allowed the political culture of peaceful campaigning to develop and grow. To test the attitude of the government, the Baluch young people organised a legal and approved meeting to present their views on the present circumstances of Baluchistan and Iran. The government issued the licence for the meeting and after the meeting arrested the leaders of the Voice of Justice Association of Baluchistan. The witnesses confirmed that the when revolutionary guards and security forces arrested these young people, they began torturing, beating, offending and humiliating them as soon as they entered the office of the Association. Since their arrest nobody knows where they have been taken. But if we judge from the way they were arrested we can understand that they must be under severe torture right now.

Now it is clear for the Iranian people, political activists, human rights organizations and international community that the Iranian regime does not allow any civil political campaigning in Baluchistan. It is now clear for everybody inside Baluchistan and outside Baluchistan that the Iranian regime arrests and tortures those political activists that live inside Iran, follow the law of the land, and work according to the constitution of the country. It is also clear for the international community and the Iranian people that the Iranian regime is pushing the Baluch people towards armed struggle and violence. The Iranian people have a right to protest against racial, cultural, political and economic discriminations and social exclusions and if they do not have the permission to organise peaceful and legal meetings, there is no any other alternative but resorting to other means to regain their rights.

Yakoub Mehrnehad and his friends are the victims of a lawless regime that has victimised all Iranian people and specifically the Sunnis, Baluch, Arabs, Kurds, Turks, Lors, Turkemans, women, students, and workers. Today these groups are the vanguard of campaign for political freedom, social justice and economic well-being of the Iranian people. We see that they are engaged in different forms of political activities every day in different parts of the country. To arrest and torture their leaders only increases their intention and will for further and more effective campaign in future.

Balochistan Peoples Front

Reza Hossein Borr

01.5.07, London, UK